Chapter eleven

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Yeji gulped, but she didn't let fear flood her body as she saw her husband there, looking at her from head to toe, as if he was judging her for something he himself made her do.

But Yeonjun now wasn't thinking about money, which was what had mainly motivated him, now all that was on his mind was the fact that Yeji, his shy and devoted wife, had slept with her boss and the way he heard her scream and moan was nothing compared to how he had heard before and that was perhaps, what bothered him the most.

His teeth were clenched and so were her fists, but Yeji did not let herself be intimidated, her feline eyes made her confident and without saying a word, she tried to walk to her room to get her things and leave from that place, as soon as possible.

But Yeonjun wasn't planning on allowing it.

In the blink of an eye, Yeonjun walked towards her and grabbed her arm abruptly, stopping her on the way to her room and his two hands squeezed tightly in Yeji's delicate arms.

"Agh! Yeonjun- you're hurting me!" Yeji told him, really scared at that moment, when she saw her husband's dark gaze detailing every part of her face and also her neck, where there were signs of what she did with her husband's boss.

"You're a bitch!" Yeonjun yelled, tightening his grip on her, while Yeji tried to get away and even though he was drunk, it was really impossible.

"That wasn't what you wanted?!" Yeji exclaimed, as a tear ran down her cheek, but it was not only because of the fact that he was physically hurting her, but also because of that lie. "You didn't want me to fuck your boss to get all that fucking money?!"

"Shut up." He growled, feeling his stomach twist, as he saw the marks of his boss on his wife's neck, her moans ran over and over again in his head and the mere thought was driving him crazy. .

"You lied to me, Yeonjun. You tricked me into believing you'd lose your job if I didn't sleep with her, you carried me into her arms and now you're telling me I'm a bitch?!"

Yeonjun was silent for a few seconds and that scared Yeji a little more, her arms were starting to burn from the grip Yeonjun had on them and she felt chills when she saw in his eyes, something she had never seen before.

"Shut up... Shut the fuck up, Yeji." Yeonjun told her softly and pressed her closer to her body, remaining just centimeters away from her face. "Tell me, you liked fucking my boss, huh?"

Yeji gulped and brief memories of what happened a few hours ago and the way she had felt, began to flash through her head. A tickling in her stomach told her the answer and even though, she had always been a sensible woman, perhaps out of anger, the words left her mouth before she could think about it.

"Answer, Yeji... Did you like fucking her?!"

"Yes!" Yeji told him, staring into his eyes, watching them get even darker. "Didn't you hear the call? I enjoyed it too much, Yeonjun. I really liked her cock and how big she is-"

But in just seconds, her eyes squeezed shut, as she felt Yeonjun slap her cheek, causing her to lose her balance and fall to the ground.

Yeji felt dizzy, she leaned on her elbows to try to get up, but Yeonjun didn't give her time and lay on top of her, putting his hand on her neck, while breathing heavily on her face and taking one of her legs to lift it up his waist.

"Damn slut!"

"Let go of me, leave me alone!" Yeji screamed, trying to get away from Yeonjun, hitting her arms with her fists, trying to push him away, but nothing seemed to work.

"Now I'm going to make you mine, Yeji. I'm gonna erase the fucking stains that woman left on your body to make sure you're still mine, you're my wife, MINE!"

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