Chapter three

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Still walking I decided that I love this place. I stumbled over a dead tree, and before I could fall, I clung onto a nearby branch. I had almost forgoten all about my step dad, while I was walking, but I knew that would never happen. I wondered if he knew where I was, then I began to scare myself. I wonder if he's watching and will creep up on me in the night. No, thats impossible,. he would have caught up with me by now... or maybe he wanted to play with my head. I decided to banish these thoughts from my head. I consintrated on the time. Wow i didn't realise what time it actually was, I reacon its around six o'clock, the sky has began to turn a slight yellow colour, which would soon be Amber and then finally crimzon. I need to set up a camp somehow. I was still stumbling along the uneven ground. The birds had started singing a beautiful tune, it was kind of like a lulaby. I focused on the flowers around me. I spied daisies, buttercups, daffodils and dandy lions. It's around spring  time so the flowers decorated the forest with splatters of colour here, there and everywhere. I needed to rest somewhere for the night. I was thinking about climbing a tree, but i might fall out while I'm sleeping, so that was out of the question. As I walked a little further I decided hat I would walk to the east because I was getting a little bored walking north. I pulled out my compass just to make sure I knew that I ws headed in the right directon. I held the compass out in front of me and diverted my route east. I began to hear a sort of rumbling sound coming from the north. I swung around making sure it wasn't traffic, No, it was a meduim sized, twisty river with a mini waterfall. Perfect. All around it the trees where spread out further and the formed a small clearing. I headed over and made myself a little camp to sleep in over night. I had been carring a small rucksack that was filled with all my essentials. I had packed a pen knife, a compass, scraps of fresh food that i had wrapped in brown paper, a scuffy blanket, a torch with three packets of spare batteries, a few pounds that I had managed to save, three boxes of matches and a jacket. 


authors note.

im sorry most of my chapters are short but please VOTE and read. Thank you! :)

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