Chapter eight

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I was actually feeling full up. My hunger was satisfied and my mind was wandering off somewhere. I noticed that I haven't been thinking or dreaming about my step dad. I'm really pleased about that. It's probably because, well, surviving in a forest alone, isn't as easy as you would think.The arrows in my boot were rattling like mad and it was really annoying. I looked around, there was a little ring of wild mushrooms, that was odd. The mushrooms were the red ones with little white dots. They were in a perfect circle with a bunch of daffodils growing i the middle. I had read about this sort of thing before, apparently, this was the work of the fairies. Of course fairies weren't real, but this got me thinking again. 

I was still stumbling along, following my compass, when I heard the gently rumbling of the waterfall at my camp. I knew that I was near. The pheasant I shot earlier was still hanging dead from my belt. I walked a little further and broke through the trees into my small clearing, which I now called home. Something felt different about it. Then I noticed that, around my moss bed, there was a small ring of red and white mushrooms, like the ring I saw earlier. They couldn't have grown naturally like that, while I was gone, could they? No, at least not normally.  As I got closer to my bed, I noticed that the moss was lighty dusted with an aqua blue, glimmering substance. I was surprisingly not scared, for some reason this made me feel safe. It made me feel like someone was trying to protect me. 

Out of now where, I heard something moving behind an old oak tree.''Hello?'', I asked,'' is anyone there?'' A boy, who seemed to be around eighteen years old, stepped out from where he was hiding. I kind of jumped back in surprise. I was expecting it to be a rabbit or a deer. ''Hi!'', the boy was waving at me and giving me the most warm, kind smile I have ever seen. ''Hi,'' I replied. ''Where did you come from?'' I asked rather stupidly. ''I came from... well, this might sound weird, but I came from the waterfall,'' he answered, pointing at the river. ''WHAT? How is that even possible?!'' I exclaimed and questioned. ''Come on, I'll show you'' replied the boy, and held out his hand.


Authors note...

umm, yeah that is the twist, weird and unexpected, right? Haha I'm like only up so please excuse the grammar mistakes (sorry) I probably will write chapter nine later. 

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