Chapter five

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I woke up all of a sudden. The birds were singing even louder today. My mind was dragged away from the land of dreams and was brought back to reality. I rolled out of the moss bed and I was tangled in the blanket. I felt like a human sausage roll. I untwisted my body from the blanket and got up. My body felt so fatigued from all that running. My neck was stiff because I slept without a pillow, which was a bad idea. The embers of the fire was still crackling away and I was pleased I wasn't set alight in the middle of the night. The sky was still dark so I think this is around six or seven am. I stumbled over to the pile of dumped things that I forgot to put away last night. I searched for the brown paper parcel and unwrapped it. I pulled out a single sandwich and sat back on the ground. I munched for around five minutes savouring the taste in my mouth. It was a normal ham and cheese sandwich that I saved from when my step dad gave me my lunch a few days ago. Even one tiny sandwich was so satisfying. I took very small bites tricking my mind into thinking that I was eating more than I really was. Once I was finished I wiped my mouth on the back of my hand and let the crumbs fall to the ground. I stood up and walked awkwardly back over to the pile and wrapped the parcel of food back up and proceeded to place all of my belongings back into my worn out bag. I ended up losing my mind in thought and a good idea crossed my mind,'' I should make a bow and some arrows! Then I could shoot some animals and have some fresh meat!''. I dandered over to a random tree and broke off one of the long and thick branches from the bottom. There was a few stray vines hanging from a branch, so I walked over and pulled out my penknife. I cut one down but I only took the very think one, which I tied to one end of the vine, to the end of the branch. I bent the branch into a curved shape and tied the vine to the other end of the branch, really tightly so that it is now in a semi circle shape. I wandered over to another tree and took a few long and very straight branches. I sharpened the ends of the sticks into sharp points and flared the ends. There now I have a second weapon. I tested it out by shooting it at the centre of the tree. It stuck in perfectly and I pulled it out, careful not to damage the arrow. I used to got to an archery club when I was younger and my aim isn't that bad. So, I decided to put it to good use by hunting.


Authors note..

sorry I went a little bit too far and the story started to turn into instructions but the next chapter will be better. don't forget to vote and read and even follow me if you like but i want to make a shout out to one of my best friends Crystal Stewart! <3 thanks again and read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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