Chapter Nineteen

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Miss me? I'm really sorry, i haven't updates in like... 100 years... heheh >:) i will try to more. well... i'll TrYyYyYyYyY xD


We were laughing so much, i felt as if my sides had been set on fire. "Awk I'm sorry ash,"I said, though all my joy. "It's fine",he replied, winking at me and cracking a grin. "Wanna go downstairs again...?" Andy queried. "Sure!", we agreed together At the exact same time. "JINKS!!!", I screamed whilst laughing. "What....? Did you call me...?"Questioned Jinxx, peering at us through the doorway. "Oh my god", I said in hysterics. Jinxx mumbled something under his breath, he's probably offended that I ignored him... Oh well... I hope he'll forgive me.

The rest of the guys were all making their way towards the door. Ash went first, Jinxx followed them Andy and I brought up the back. "I'm gonna head out, try and get some game for dinner," Ash said as we were heading down the stairs. "OoOoOoO... Can I come?" I questioned, enlightened by the though of hunting. "Sure, I could use a hand!" Ash replied, delighted.

~A few minutes later~

"got everything?" Ash asked.

"Crossbow, check

Bow and arrows, check

2 Rucksacks, che-"

"Ooooohhhh gimme mine!" Ash exclaimed interrupting me.

I threw the leathery bag into his outstretched arms, it was about the size of a large microwave. He caught it rather gracefully and thanked me.

"Wanna head?" Ash suggested.

"Yessss!!!!" I stated, excitedly.

We shuffled through the hallway and after about a minute, we reached the door. Ash, obviously showing off, flung the door open and twirled out and into the open in one solid, perfect movement. He must have forgotten about the steps... His twirl ended in a heap at the bottom of the steps.. At that point, I couldn't contain my laughter. I was dying. I physically couldn't breathe.

''Are you gonna help me...'' *He then made a 'click' noise with his teeth* ''Or nahhhhh'' whimpered Ash. I stumbled down the steps, attempting to be more careful than him. I held out my hand, gesturing him to pull his ass off the ground. ''Thanks,'' He said, when his feet were strongly planted on the ground again. 

''Right, Now can we continue?'' I asked, Generally curious but also in a cocky way.                                   ''Yeaaaaaaah, lead the way, Miss Know-it-all.'' He answered, copying my tone of voice.

We finally set off, our steady footsteps synchronized. The wide cobblestone path went straight ahead for a couple of miles, probably leading into the town. The trees were towering over up. The leaves were vibrant green, everything was illuminated by the rays of light that descended from the burning ball of light in the sky... Or are people label it, The Sun. Little patches of daisies grew at the foot of some trees, kind of like medals. I think of things in weird ways. It looked as if nature was marking certain plants. It amused me. We cut off from the path and made our way into the forest.

The sun split through the trees, lighting the raw dirt with it's warm beams of sunlight. I was in a trance. Nature always seemed to stun me. The way ivy tangled round the trunks and the droplets of water that formed on the grass. It was all so beautiful. I watched as a white butterfly landed on a rose and fluttered its wings... Gosh, I love it. I took a step towards the bush, engrossed in its beauty. My movement startled it's tranquility and it flew away.

''What are doing?'' Ash asked, chuckling at my dazed expression.                                                                ''Don't judge me o k, I like observing things.'' I stated, defensively.                                                               ''Fair enough, I guess, you looked as if you were completely out of it.'' He said, chuckling once again.                                                                                                                                                                       ''I was deeply thinking, alright,''                                                                                                                             ''About what? Buttercups and daisies?'' He laughed, obviously he amused himself. -.-                          ''Nah, I was watching the butterfly and taking in the beauty of it all,''                                                             ''Awwwh that's nice, look at you getting all deep ya hippy,''                                                                              ''Shut up,'' I said whilst cracking a smile and gently punching his arm.                                                       ''Hey! What was that for?!?'' He said, grinning like mad yet clutching his arm and acting injured.          I grinned and ignored his remark. ''Right, lets get a move on,'', I said.                                                           ''Couldn't agree more,'',He replied, winking at me.  


Basically, I haven't a clue how to dedicate chapters properly, but this ones for a good friend, who goes by the name of Lauren the Emperor. >:) 

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