Chapter nine

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I hesitated for a moment staring at his hand, after a moment I placed my hand in his and he walked me over to the river. He stepped in down into the crystal, clear water, which dislodged a few rocks at the bottom. A cloud of dirt puffed up around his bare feet? This was the first I noticed that he wasn't wearing an shoes. I still didn't know his name, but he gestured for me to get into the water with him. I lost my footing and basically fell into the, somewhat deep water. He couldn't help but laugh, I scowled at him, but then I exploded with laughter too. I stared into his emerald green eyes and he stared into mine. I felt butterflies for a moment before saying, ''Come on, are you going to show me this, or not?''. He grasped my hand again because we broke the hold when I feel. The water was cool and refreshing. I could hear the water slap against our chests as we trudged over to the waterfall. Most of the dirt had dissolved in the water, but the blood on my jeans and shirt was still there.

When we were a few feet away from the waterfall, he finally spoke, ''Hold your breath'', he whispered in my ear. I did as I was told and took in one, long, last breath. He lunged forward into the cascading water, dragging me with him. I forgot to close my eyes and it stung for a second. I blinked a little and observed the terrain under us. It was a murky brown colour with silver shining pebbles scattered everywhere. It looked beautiful. I spotted a few fish and thought I'll make a fishing rod when I got back. I seen light ahead and we broke the surface of the water, panting heavily. We were still holding hands but he let go as soon as we got to the surface. 

I looked around at our new surroundings. We were in a rocky cavern and the walls were reflecting the shimmering, blue, glowing water. I swam over to the ground at the edge of the water. He followed me and we both got out together. I was beginning to get very curious. ''What is this place?'' I asked. ''This is the gateway to my world. So far, I am the only one who knows about it and I plan to keep it that way. I found it earlier this morning and that was when I met you.'' He answered with a smirk on his face. ''Ok, so you found me and brought me here but I still don't even know your name?'' I said, raising my eyebrows. ''My name is Jinx, but may I ask your name?'' Jinx questioned. I had actually forgotten my name... so I replied, ''Well, I have been living in a forest for two days and before that I was held prisoner in a room for two years. I have, um, kind of, forgotten my name...'' I mumbled, ashamed that I forgot my name. ''Would you like a name?'' Jinx asked. ''Yeah, I like the name Ashley. So, my new name is Ashley,'' I replied. 


Authors note

Yeah so I hope you like it!!!! Don't forget to VOTE and share... If you can be bothered... 

I was listening to black veil brides again and they now have a whole playlist on my ipod to themselves!! hah bvb army

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