Chapter six

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I walked over to my backpack, which was hanging from a branch and fumbled through it. I picked out my compass, my pen knife which I now kept on me at all times, my torch in case it got dark and finally my jacket, which i shrugged into. I zipped it up and stuffed the things I was bringing with me into my deep pockets. I had forgotten all about the little waterfall river thing, flowed down one side of my camp. I thought I would cross it for a change and I pulled out my compass. My camp was located exactly east, so I walked off in the direction of west to make sure I knew where to get back to. I think I'll head back when it is starting to get dark.

I was walking really quietly, to make sure I didn't scare away any potential game. The wind was whipping my hair in my face it was starting to annoy me. I lifted a hand to my face and tucked my hair behind my ears. I was struggling to keep my feet quiet because the ground was very uneven in this part. I was following the black pointer on my compass which was leading me away west. I noticed something moving high up in a willow tree out of the corner of my eye. I spun around on the spot and raised the bow. I pulled out an arrow from my knee high boots i was wearing. I rested the end of the arrow on the vine and drew the arrow back, as far as it would go without breaking. I took a fraction of a second to line up my aim and let go. The arrow hurtled into the back of the pheasants neck and burrowed in. The pheasant made a weird noise and then fell out of the tree. I walked over and lifted the bird up by the neck. I pulled out the arrow and wiped off the blood on my old, scruffy, black jeans.  I slid my newly cleaned arrow back into my boot and observed the bird for a few minutes. It was well built and looked like it had good meat on it. The feathers were a sandy ,brown colour mixed with a tinge of black. It had a white at the beginning of the neck, which was now half redy black because of the wound. It head was a teal colour and a red circle patch covered its eyes. I had been away for what seemed like forever so I decided to head back. 


Authors note...

I have decided to write in paragraphs now cus its a little more proffestional! haha but can I just say that my book will have a VERY unexpected twist in either chapter 7 or chapter 8. sorry i haven't uploaded as much but I have been very busy. :) 

BTW one of my best friends has started writing a book but it makes mine look like crap! Its called flutterby and it amazing! if u cant find it just type in her user name which is minithistle! please don't forget to vote for this chapter! thanks!

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