Chapter thirteen

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Neteyam hissed at Ao'nung, bearing his teeth at him. The medication burned like nothing else. He wanted this to all be over. Neteyam would give up everything in his life to stop the pain. Ao'nung sighed softly as he placed down the rag he was holding. Neteyam wasn't being easy whatsoever, yet Ao'nung cannot blame the Omaitkaya. He knew it must've hurt for the smaller male. The larger male wanted to say something, comfort Neteyam, do something that isn't causing the one he has been crushing on for the longest pain. He didnt want to cause him any pain. The least he could do was make him focus on something that isn't the pain. He needed to think though... His mind went to Ikran's. Maybe that would help him with the torturing pain.

"I heard you have an ikran.. Mind telling me about her?"

Ao'nung asked in a soft tone of voice. Neteyam looked up to face the man. His ears pressing to the side of his skull, it wasn't because he was offended.. It was more because he abandoned his baby with his father. Ao'nung thought he had messed up by mentioning the creature, but he was very wrong. Neteyam was going to share about his beloved animal... However he could never forgive himself for that. Neteyam nodded his head, taking a shaky breath. He had to stop himself from crying right there and then. He had cried enough tonight, his face was puffy.. Neteyam isn't a pretty crier, but afterwards he does look very pretty.

"Her name is Eku'ae.. She's the sweetest thing when you get to know her. When I first got her she gave me this pretty scar." Neteyam pointed to the scar on his stomach, it wasn't huge, but it wasn't small either, "She understands me the most. Sure, I love my siblings, but they are closer to each other than me. I'm just the one who's supposed to watch them; a second parent. Eku'ae is like my sister. She knows absolutely everything about me, more than my family." Tears welled in his eyes while he talked about his beloved Ikran. He misses her..

Ao'nung listened carefully while he continued to patch Neteyam up, eclipse was coming to an end while they sat in the medical room. Neteyam had stopped kissing and growling at this point. Not thinking of the pain definitely helped. Ao'nung was very thankful that Neteyam had calmed down just a hare. He rubbed his knee gently while he placed burn cream on all of the nasty clothing iron burns. In some parts he was able to see Neteyam's flesh.. The clothing iron had completely melted his skin in those parts.

"Tell me more, only if you want to." Neteyam obliged to his request.

"She's green, almost a tealish color, she looks like my mothers old one.. My mothers had died a long time ago. Her stripes are very pretty. Eku'ae is a hothead though. Much like Lo'ak."

A slim smile curled on his lips, but it didn't last very long. He desired that he could have Eku'ae with him. He knew that these were reef na'vi, there would be no forest for his baby even if he did bring her. There would be no room for his large ikran on the coast.

Neteyam had really lost everything that he had ever loved. His home, his parents, his siblings, even his fucking best friend in the whole world. Why was he such a moron? Why did he have to date someone that was associated with another mafia? Why couldn't his father just understand? Where would he go now? He couldn't just bother his siblings, they also have life's .. Was he going to be alone in this cruel world forever? What has he done to the great mother to deserve this?.. He hadn't even realized that tears were dripping down his face.. It wasn't until Ao'nung wiped away his tears with his thumb, that's when the realization that he was crying again struck him. Neteyam sniffled as he gently pushed away Ao'nung's hand. This was embarrassing.. He wasn't supposed to show any weaknesses, especially to the crime boss in front of him. Ao'nung moved his hand away, he was going to continue until he just suddenly stopped. What stopped him? It was Neteyam.. He had apologized for crying, it had confused Ao'nung. There wasn't any reason to be sorry. This was his fault for hurting his Neteyam..

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