Chapter One: WHO ARE THEY ?

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Hi everyone, :) 

This is my very first story on wattpad, so any feedback welcome and I am a beginner so please bare that in mind.

But I really hope you enjoy it :)




Chapter One:

Who are they?

They are everywhere. In the highest skies, the deepest oceans, up in the tallest of trees, even in the smallest of holes between rocks.

They are invisible.

In different from normal people. Bad or good, you will never know until it's too late.

Babies with undiscovered super powers. Adults with strong powers, all kinds of powers.

They are real.

They live by us, side by side. Maybe you are one of them ,you don't know!

Invisible people, magical people, flying people, super speed, passing through walls, shape shifters, and elementists. And many others discovered and undiscovered.

A team who helped us against a lot of troubles. The super powers team.

They are young, strong, not afraid of anything, smart, and much more.

Laura : The invisible girl.

Anna : The magical girl.

Jake : The shape shifter.

Drake : The ability to fly.

Angeles : The controller of the 4 elements, an elementist.

Devon : The super runner.

Bob : The walker through walls.

These are the charecters of the team wanna know more about them ? continue reading


That's it for the first chapter, I know its small but I'm a beginner!

Protectors of Earth.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora