Chapter Four

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Hey, this chapter is dedicated to my BFF XxDarkAngel00xX,

Thank you Jana <3 I love you.

Chapter 4:

Devon's P.O.V.

"Devon ?" Anna's beautiful blue eyes met mine.

"What are you doing here ? how did you even reach this place?" I had to ask.

"What does it look like I'm doing ? I'm here to help people, what are you doing here?" she said lifting a child from water to make him sit on the roof.

"Same reason, but why didnt you tell me that you have powers ? we are friends, we should tell each other every thing."

"Then why didnt YOU tell me about your powers."

"Because.." I trailed off not knowing what to say.

"Excuse me guys but i need some help over here" the other guy said trying to get people out of water.

"Oh yeah right, sorry..." I said.

"Drake, my name is Drake" he introduced his self to us.

As I ran on water trying to get to the roof Drake was standing on, I looked behind me and saw Anna disappearing in the air and appearing next to Drake. We helped some people, but the night was coming closer and closer, therefore we couldnt see anything except a small part where the moonlight lead us to some people on one roof, helicopters were flying above our heads capturing every move.

After getting alot of people out of water, few were left in water, I couldnt stay no more, I had to go home because I was exhausted, I excused my self and went home, Anna stayed with Drake, after that I disappeared in the darkness.

Angeles's P.O.V.

I stayed up all night staring at my T.V. I was watching how some people with powers were helping other people, 'This is so sad, but these guys are so nobel' I said to my self, 'I can't help people with my powers, I could kill people with my powers' she thought, sadness plastered on her face.

In the morning I woke up slowly feeling my soft bed under me,I got up from my bed and did my usual routine, which is going to the bathroom, washing my face and teeth, and eating breakfast. I sat down on the couch in my living room placing my hot tea and toastes on the table infront of me, I thought about my powers and how am I ever going to use them for some nobel action, I turned on my T.V, and ate my breakfast. "At last, all the people were saved in California, but the major problem is that they got nothing, they dont have any cloth, food or houses, but thanks to these young, powerful teenagers no body drowned, another teenager who is not with us today helped to. Anna and Drake" she pointed at two teenagers behind her who seemed exhausted and sleepy, the girl had bags under her beautiful eyes, and the boy was pale and had bags under his dark brown eyes too, the reporter continued "....Anna and Drake who helped alot will be honored tomorrow at 6 pm, every body is invited, and Devon, as Anna said that the other guy is named Devon will be honored too, so I repeat at 6 pm tomorrow we will honor the 3 heroes in California." the reporter finished smiling. "I'm going" Angeles said in determination.

In the next morning, I woke up at 12 pm, did my routine, and went to my bedroom, I opened my closet and started searching for something to wear, it was 3 pm, I picked up a beautiful, simple blue dress, I changed my cloth, I picked up some accessories that matches the dress and put on some blue sandals, and left my blonde hair loose, falling on my sholders, I waited in the living room waiting for the clock to be 6. I picked up my Iphone and started chatting with my friend Jana, we were best friends, I loved her so much, we never left each other, we were more than sisters.

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