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All of a sudden, though it's strange to me, It seems like everything is right in my world. I've done so much bad in my days. My sins are countless. I see Ruby as a way to channel all of my goodness. I cannot explain the feral feelings that echoed through my body when she called me Daddy. It made my feelings of obsession and love, and my desire to protect her all the more intense. I didn't realize this was one of her kinks. Kink is a dirty word, and my gem isn't dirty. I didn't realize this was one of her needs, but I'm happy to oblige. I'll spend my minutes redefining this for her.

I held her close to me. Her rest was broken. This is what trauma looks like and I must be patient. Each time she stirred from her rest, she softly asked for me.

"Daddy?" She asked.
"I'm here my little gem. You're safe." I responded each time. I'd feel her relax against my chest and go back to sleep.

I rested my head against hers and rubbed my hand up and down her arm, drawing pictures with my fingers. I didn't allow myself to go to sleep as well. I wanted to be there for her if she needed me. A few hours later, she stirred and her head tilted up to look at me.

"You didn't sleep." She accused.
"Later." I assured her. "How do you feel?"
"Hungry." She cautiously admitted. "Are there some chores I can do?"

I frowned and felt confused.

"I thought you said you were hungry." I pointed out.
"I am. I'm sorry." She rushed to say.
"No, no Ruby. Don't be sorry. I'm just trying to figure out why you asked about chores. Are you bored?" I asked baffled.
"I always earn my right to have food." She explained.

I glared at the air, but quickly softened my features when I saw her expression.

"Little Gem, here, all you need to do is tell me or Mattheo you're hungry and the elves will prepare food for you." I instructed as I stood up and started getting dressed. I helped her get clothes ready as well.

"Are you cold?" I noticed her shiver slightly. She nodded. I found a sweater amongst her things and covered her arms. I kissed the back of her head.

"You have no idea how glad I am that you're here." I whispered in her ear.
"I still can't believe you're alive." She admitted turning to face me. "I've missed you for a really long time."
"I love you my little gem." I whispered.
"I love you too Daddy." She said and my cock twitched.

I'd have to work on keeping mister at bay. Navigating sexual trauma was tricky business and it was vital that I be sensitive to her body. I leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

"Let's get some food." I encouraged, taking her hand in mine and leading her to the dining room. I held out a chair and helped her sit before moving to address the elves. They were speedy in their efforts to bring out an assortment of food for the table. They set an empty plate in front of Ruby.

"Dig in Ruby, please." I urged her. She looked at me feeling appalled and overwhelmed. She did not communicate her anxieties, but held out the empty plate to me. I smiled sympathetically and nodded gently in an effort to show her I understood. I put some of each type of food on her plate and then returned the plate. I prepared a plate for myself as well so that she did not have to feel insecure about eating alone.

I tried to inconspicuously watch her like a hawk. I saw her take 5 bites or so before she pushed her plate away.

"May I be excused?" She asked.
"Are you done?" I asked her gently.
"Yes Daddy. I had my five bites." She confirmed.
"Ruby, I didn't ask you how many bites you took. I asked if you were done. Are you still hungry?"
"Yes sir." She admitted.

I reached out my hand and made gentle, but intentional eye contact with her.

"Then, no you may not." I told her. "Ruby, here you eat until your body tells you you're full. That is this Daddy's rule. Do you understand me?"

She nodded as she blushed red and turned away, but, I smiled encouragingly when she lifted her fork back up. Mattheo entered the dining room and beamed, quickly grabbing a plate and loading up.

"Awesome! I'm starved." He said as he sat and began to eat.

I growled at him.  He groaned. Mattheo was the only one safe to be sick of my shit. He grabbed his plate and stood.

"You know it's seems like a nice evening to eat out on the veranda." He said. "Good to see you Ruby. I'm glad you're here."

He walked away and Ruby blushed.

"We're both glad you're here." I said reaching for her hand.
"I feel like a burden." She whispered.
"The only thing you are is mine." Saying in a possessive tone.
"Only for two weeks.." She reminded looking on the edge of tears.
"I'm going to figure this out Ruby. It will take some time, but trust me." I requested knowing very well that it was a big ask.
"Yes Daddy." She agreed. I gripped her hand for reassurance. She is mine and i  am hers! No obstacle will keep me from her now.

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