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Damn! Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am!
In just over 24 hours, my understanding of life has flipped on its head. I've never been this drunk or high in a long ass time.  How high am I? I couldn't tell you, but it wouldn't take but a little push at this point to convince me I have brothers named Alvin and Simon.

I laid in bed in my hotel room taking stock of the situation. At this point, I had smoked anything I wanted, eaten anything I wanted, and drank anything I wanted. The only thing I hadn't done was fucked anything I wanted. With my doll not here, my free access to pussy was interrupted.

I leaned against the headboard and contemplated what the repercussions were for being disloyal to my wife. It wasn't long before my deep laugh filled the silence of the room. Like I gave a shit...!

I began to research some clubs in the area of Little Italy I was in. I selected one of the higher class ones and readied myself to go on many more adventures for the day knowing where I would end my night. I eagerly removed my wedding ring. When I reached the door, I stopped and decided to take a seat and reach out to Mattheo.

I had to remember the part I was playing and any doting, loving, and concerned spouse would be reaching out by now to check on things. Hopefully she has behaved and not force my hand to come home early than i intended.


I stir from my slumber, but keep my eyes closed. My little gem has only been here one full day, and yet my life has been completely turned upside down. I smile softly and reach out to pull her back into my chest. All I feel on the other side of the bed is empty space. I open my eyes quickly and she isn't there. I frown and jump up, pulling on clothes. I immediately head for the kitchen, assuming we had lost our progress made yesterday, but she isn't there. I grow more worried and race to find her. It doesn't take long at all. She was in my library.

She was walking along the shelves still wearing nothing but my shirt. My cock was awakened knowing exactly what beauty and assets hid under that small layer of fabric. I broke the distance between us and pressed my chest against her back. I felt her tense.

"Am I in trouble?" She asked and my rib ached at her concern.
"Of course not!" I assured, wrapping my arms around her. "I missed you. Why are you up so early?"
"I have been forced to early rise for years." She shared. "My biological clock is hard to fight."
"I understand." I sympathized.

I pushed her slightly into the bookshelf we were standing in front of. My right hand pinched her nipple through my shirt while my left hand reached around and firmly cupped her pussy through her panties.

"I appreciate your body Ruby. I love you. I love your voice. I love your brain." I shared with her.
"I love you too." She said leaning back against me.

She reached down and pressed against my hand so my grasp on her pussy was stronger. I was not pinching her or hurting her. I was possessing her and showing my obsession.

"Will you hold me like this everyday and remind me that I'm yours?" She whispered and my cock twitched against her back.
"You are mine and I will." I promised.

I kissed the back of her head.


I bit my lip and moved to turn towards him. He immediately released me and let me move freely.

"You told me to tell you everything I want and think right?" I asked him nervously.
"That's a  Daddy rule, Ruby." Tom confirmed.

I was about to open my mouth to speak when Mattheo entered the library. Tom immediately growled at him.

"Simmer down." Mattheo rushed to say as he hurried up to us. "Ruby, it's Theo. He wants to talk to you."

Mattheo held out his phone that was currently muted.
Tom immediately reached for the phone and looked eager to break it. Mattheo took a step back.

"Don't give him a reason to come back early." Mattheo softly encouraged. "Ruby, I'm sorry."

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