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"My wife would hate that you were here." I smirked as my cock hardened against her back. "I couldn't be more elated."

Sarina looks at me puzzled. Realising what i have just admitted. Fuck i am wasted.

'Wife? I see no ring so you can't care that much darling' her seductive tone finishes me off.

Crashing my lips onto hers with fire and passion. I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist. Moaning as she feels how hard i am for her right now. She unbuttons my shirt and throws it on the floor. She gasps about how ripped i am. Bringing her to the bed. Taking her clothes off i bury my head between her legs. She tastes sweet, grasping my hair she presses my face forcing her to orgasm.

'Fuck! Theo is need you to fuck me now!' She begs. Right up my street. I chuckle as a take the rest of my clothes off. She grabs my shoulders and pushes me on my back. Straddling me she slides beautifully down my shaft. Shes tight. I grip her hips and thrust up hard and fast. Her long nails digging into my pec muscles more than likely drawing blood. I don't care.

I flip her over after she has another orgasm. Lifting her ass so she's on all 4s. Impaling her from behind I reach spots i doubt anyone has before with the noises she is making. She takes me well.

'Going to cum in this tight pussy understand!' The demand in my voice is fierce. She hasn't got the capacity to reply currently. A few thrusts later I finish along with her third orgasm of the night. I slump down beside her and she catches me off guard by kissing me softly. She then heads into the shower. Coming out a few moments later. She gets changed.

'See you around hot stuff' she leaves. I shower myself and get back into bed. Hugging the pillow the has her scent all over it. Yes my dear you will see me around. I fall asleep.

I wake up with my head pounding and curse the light. I grab my wand and point it at myself mumbling a charm and letting out a sigh of relief when my hangover goes away. Once I'm coherent enough to gather my thoughts, I feel harsh regret. I cheated on my wife last night, my sweet wife. I cheated on my wife last night with an intoxicating woman and failed to get any contact information from her so that we could do it again!

I smirked and hurried to get ready. Despite the early hour, I returned to the club. As if straight from my imagination, Sareina appeared from the shadows.

"Back so soon?" She asked cheekily as she entered the booth across from me.

"I haven't had enough." I admitted.

Up until this point, being in control with Ruby kept me from spiralling. With Sareina, I'd let her walk me like a dog.

"Let's go back to my place." I invited her.

"Let's spend the day together." She said leaning forward and pressing our lips together. She spoke against my mouth before pulling away. "And then you can feast on me."

I growled and felt pressure build in my cock.

"Yes ma'am." I responded standing and taking her hand, pulling her from the club.

We visited a number of art museums. I don't recall a single painting. I was deadlocked on both of my girls. Ruby would melt at the opportunity to be here. Sarina was more regal than anything on these walls. Sarina was attentive, and almost studious as she walked amongst the pieces, breathing everything in.

Ruby would have been full of volume and ruined the whole thing for me. I'm glad she wasn't here. Her incessant talking was claustrophobic to me and I took the responsibility of turning her into a seen, but not heard wife very seriously. Jesus, even in our school days all she did was talk, talk, talk, talk.... It makes no sense that she spent most of her time in the library where she couldn't. I had no way of knowing how Tom used to unknowingly place the two of them in a silencing orb and how it never occurred to Ruby to find it strange that she was never shushed in that space.

When we left the museum, I lit a cigarette and tried to push Ruby out of my head. I wrapped my arm around Sareinas waist and pulled her close. I smirked when she took my cigarette and took a few hits of her own before returning it. Ruby hated my smoking, so naturally, I smoked in the house as often as I could.

Why the fuck was Ruby on my mind so much today? I desperately tried to shake my head back into focus, but it wasn't working. I thought about how she sounded when I called to check in. How there was no eagerness to her tone when speaking to me. She didn't miss me.

I wasn't eager to return, so was it a big deal that she wasn't eager for me to come back?

I felt a weird feeling in my stomach. I placed my hand there for a moment and stared far too intensely at my knuckles. Knuckles she had wrapped. She always sent me on my way with a small pack of cigarettes, like a nurse giving a kid a lollipop. I never thought to ask why she always had them on hand when she never smoked.

"Theo!" Sareina's voice broke through my thoughts.

I whipped my head to her and she giggled a siren song.

"Where did you go?" She asked.

"Nowhere, sorry. Must be getting a bit hungry." I said.

"Let's go see the fountain and then get some food?" She persuaded.

"Sounds good to me." I agreed.

The Trevi Fountain was beautiful.

I fished some coins out of my pocket as we got closer and handed her one. I gripped the coin tightly and tossed it far.

Maybe Merlin can heal me and I can actually give this husband thing a proper try. I thought back to Ruby's day off, well.... partial day off and faced the truth that she hadn't ruined that day at all- I had.

For good measure, I threw in another coin hoping Merlin might provide healing to her as well... enough to build a foundation of forgiveness somewhere in the days to come.

Sareina's coin plopped in the water bringing me from my thoughts. I moved behind her and squeezed her shoulders, bitting her neck.

"What did you wish for?" I asked her.


"Oh, you know I can't tell." I giggled turning in his arms and pressing our lips together.

Plus, it seemed in bad taste to make mention that I had wished for his wife to die....


After seeing the Trevi fountain and having some dinner, i take her back to my hotel room. I needed to fuck Ruby out of my head. She is haunting my every thought. Why i cannot fathom, i couldn't stand her on a normal day. Sareina gets to her knees and takes me in one mouthful. After a while i cannot be arsed for oral or foreplay i just bend her over and fuck her hard and fast. She screams my name but it hasn't done anything for me this time round.

I go out to my balcony and light up a cigarette, she joins me to inform me she needs to head back to her place. She kisses my cheek and leaves. Thank fuck. I take a cold shower i scrub myself raw. What is happening to me?

Over the next couple of days i spend the time on my own with my own troubled thoughts. Do i miss my wife? Yes i do. I need to get back and fix this. I know she wont forgive me i have put her through 3 years of torture. I snuffed out that light never wanting to truly embrace what she really could offer me in a marriage. I've turned into everything she hates. Her father. I grab my phone and phone Mattheo.

'Yo bud, how is everything?' I keep it simple.

'Same as before, all good no meltdowns nothing brother' he seems to have it under control with her but I can't stay away any longer.

'Reason I'm calling is to let you know to bring Ruby back home the day after tomorrow, i thought i could have this time alone away from her but in all fairness i actually miss her.' No point beating it around the bush.

'You sure dude? She's been no bother' his response is calming. I simply reply saying no i am coming back and will be home around noon in two days time. I will make it up to you Ruby.

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