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I woke up to being aggressively shook. I whimpered and knew this had all been too good to be true. This is all just part of his twisted mind games.

"Ruby, wake up." Theo begged.
"What's wrong? What did I do?" I asked fighting the urge to cry.
"Angel, I need you to go back to your room. Now." Theo ordered, ignoring my question.

As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I could see his eyes looked frantic and he seemed frazzled.

"Bear, what's wrong?" I asked reaching for his face.
"Ruby, please leave. I don't want to hurt you. I'll come find you when the moment passes." He promised.
"I won't leave you." I refused.

He left the bed and moved to the window.

"All I see is fire and darkness. I feel their pain." He expressed, sobs erupting from his body. "I hurt so many people. I hurt you, baby girl, and you'll never forgive me."
"You said I'd never forgive you." I corrected. "Those words never came from me."

He turned, his face illuminated by the glow of the moonlight.

"I don't deserve forgiveness." He declared.
"It's not your business to judge what is mine to give." I said firmly. "Now, come here and let me help you through this."
"I can't." He said. "I'm keeping you safe."
"My Bear doesn't hurt me. Old Daddy did." I explained to him as I got up from bed and broke the distance between us.

I snuggled against his chest, and he embraced me tightly. He took in a few deep breaths and tried to steady his heart beat. When he had reached a calmer, though still elevated, state, I pulled him back towards the bed. I pushed him to sit on the side of the bed and moved to lay across his lap.

"Baby, what are you doing?" He asked, panic levels rising again.
"You're a masochist my Bear. It helps you cope with your PSTD. I enjoy and can handle being spanked. I do not want to be beat anymore. Should we see if there is any middle ground that we can agree on?" I whispered my words, feeling almost embarrassed by them, and feeling terribly frightened but loving him enough to try.
"I don't want to be a monster anymore." He said massaging my ass cheeks and rubbing my back.
"You're not a monster." I promised him. "I just want us to make sure we are communicating. Please be open to listening if I need a break."

Theo drew in an unsteady breath. He was still very unsure.

"I'm trying so hard." He said.
"I see that. I notice that. I appreciate that." I acknowledged as I rubbed his back as best I could while still in my vulnerable position.
"I wanted you to experience soft hands from me." He explained.
"Then make sure I do, during and after." I encouraged. "Maybe one day we can have a discussion about implements, but I'm not ready and we have trust to rebuild."
"I understand." He said moving his hand down between my legs.

I moaned and subconsciously rubbed against him.

"Are you ready?" He asked as his arm wrapped around my waist.

I took a few deep breaths.

"Yes Bear." I said holding onto the sheets.


I landed smack after smack around her ass cheeks.

"Bear, I can tell you're not being honest with yourself." She accused me.

My cock pushed against her abdomen as I wondered how I had been blessed with such an incredible woman.

I took her words as permission and allowed myself to land harder smacks. My hand print was far more apparent each time it made contact with her ass.

I thought about stopping when I heard her groan and felt her squirm against my legs.

"You okay princess?" I asked her.
"Yes, Theo." She said. "Are you okay?"
"I'm starting to feel better." I admit relaxing into this slightly more and smacking even harder.

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