Lance's Lion Castle: Part 5

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"Lance! The king's men were here from both Porthaven and Kingsbury. They said you would have to report to the palace as both Blue Paladin and Amante Lanza."

The white-haired young man didn't say anything to her as he walked by. Instead, he made his way to Keith and Hunk, who was rambling about what to add to the bacon to make it achieve maximum flavor.

"Hunk, you don't let just anyone use you for cooking," Lance said in a low voice tinged with amusement.

"He said I could help him cook," Hunk beamed, glowing brightly.

Lance looked at Keith, who felt his ears and tail twitch nervously as he realized those piercing blue eyes were on him.

"And… you are?" the wizard asked calmly.

"Oh… um… I'm just… Hunk took pity on me and let me in from the cold last night. It was very nice of him."

Hunk beamed and warned him to flip the bacon. Keith made to do so, but Lance's tanned hand carefully took the spatula from his clawed one and flipped it. He gently edged Keith out of the way and started cooking.

"Can you please pass me a few of those eggs, Keith?" Lance asked him.

"Oh… sure."

Keith gingerly grabbed an egg and handed it to Lance. He cracked it over the pan and tossed the shells to Hunk, who ate them in his fiery mouth. The second egg made it to Lance safely too, but the third, Keith accidentally broke it with his unknown strength as he realized Lance had said his name without him giving it. His ears drooped as he saw the broken egg mess and he bit his lips together in a frown.

"It's alright. Try again," Lance said gently.

Keith managed to hand him the rest of the eggs with no problem before finding a towel to clean up his mess. Hunk didn't tell Lance what to add to make the food taste better. Keith got the feeling Lance wouldn't listen if he did.

Soon, breakfast was ready and Pidge had finished setting the table. It was delicious, despite it missing a few spices and herbs to make it better. Keith promised himself he'd listen to Hunk if the fire let him cook again. It seemed to make him happy.

"Whaddya think, Keith?" Pidge asked, pushing her glasses further up her nose.

She had egg splattered on her cheeks as she ate noisily.

"It's very good…"

His ears flattened at the disgusting noises of eating as he tried to eat his own breakfast.

"So, what do you have hidden in your pocket, Keith?" Lance asked casually, his blue eyes softening as he looked at Keith, whose ears gently flicked forward when spoken to.

"Hmmm? Uh…"

Keith felt in his pocket and pulled out a folded card in confusion.

"I… don't know what this is. These were my big brother's pants… they were the only thing I could wear after…" he stopped himself before his jaws could lock together.

"Give it to me," Lance said calmly.

Keith held it out to him, and as soon as it touched Lance's fingertips, it shocked him and the card landed on the table, scorching marks into its smooth surface.

Pidge gasped.

"Scorch marks! Lance, can you read them?"

"It's some pretty ancient stuff, and a bit powerful as well…"

The smoke from the marks' magic furled and unfurled as it floated up. Keith noticed Lance's hair slowly floating away from his face as he read the marks.

"Is it from the Wizard of the Waste?" Pidge asked, pushing her glasses up again as she landed on the table to get a better look.

"'You who swallowed a falling star, o' heartless man, your heart shall soon belong to me.' Can't be good for the table," Lance mumbled and placed his hand beside the marks.

Keith watched in shock and awe as Lance slid his palm across the marks and they vanished from the table surface. Lance's hand was burned, but he didn't seem to be in pain.

"Wow! It's gone!" Pidge exclaimed.

"The mark may be gone, but the magic is still there. Please, continue eating."

Lance stood and grabbed his untouched food, dumping it in Hunk's mouth.

"Move us 60 miles to the west."

Hunk sighed and did as he was told.

"Oh, and make hot water for my bath, please."

"Alright. You smell anyway- and in front of a guest too."

"Hey! Hunk, watch it," Lance warned, his blue eyes twinkling as he went upstairs.

"You wouldn't be working for the Wizard of the Waste, would you?" Pidge asked Keith suspiciously.

Keith's eyes widened as he felt his anger flare.

"I wouldn't ever work for him! He's the one who-" Keith's jaws suddenly locked together.

He was so angry that he ground his teeth painfully, managing to get a few other words out before he slammed his fists on the table with a yell, making Pidge and Hunk jump, and sending thick books, scrolls, and other clutter falling from the table. Pidge had saved her breakfast just in time, balancing on her stool and holding her plate, looking at him with wide eyes.

"If I ever see that stupid wizard again, I'm gonna wring his scrawny neck! Finish your breakfast!" he growled to Pidge, shoveling his own breakfast in his mouth as fast as he could.

She immediately obeyed, still looking stunned at his outburst.

This filthy mess was getting to Keith and he had to do something about it before he went crazy. If you have magic but live in a mess, then what the hell is magic good for?!

He tied a clean cloth around his head and ears, and put on an apron as he started rage cleaning. When he was sweeping the cobweb covered ceiling, he used another clean cloth to make a mask over his mouth and nose.

Pidge used her old man disguise and ran precious books and other belongings out to the safety of the sidewalk while Keith rage-cleaned, grumbling in incoherent anger the whole time. He dumped soapy water on the floor and began scrubbing it harshly, now that he had chased all the bugs and most of the rodents out of the building. The broom handle creaked in protest at such harsh use, but he ignored it. Everything was gradually becoming clean. He carefully lifted Hunk's log onto a few new ones with the fire tongs and scraped out the ashes onto a dirty sheet. Hunk watched and quietly commented when Keith missed a spot.

One of Keith's ears twitched in agitation, but he wasn't angry at Hunk. He wasn't the one who turned Keith into an actual monster, nor was Hunk responsible for the disgusting filth in the house.

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