Lance's Lion Castle: Part 12

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Keith suddenly realized what was happening and he jerked Lance around to face him.

"Lance! No! It's a trap!" he shouted, Lance's blue eyes landing on his violet ones.

Suddenly, Lance scooped him and the old man up as he flapped his wings. They shot upward just before Keith heard a faint thump below them. Honerva had missed, her spear sticking out of the chair that Keith had vacated, his hat pinned to the back of it by the spear. Keith yelled as they burst out of the glass ceiling and fell through the air as Lance's wings vanished. They landed on one of the flying vehicles and Lance took off.

"Hang on!" Lance shouted almost gleefully.

The vehicle rose into the air and took off as more gave chase. The dog, Matthew, flew up after them using his long ears at the last second and landed in the old wizard's lap.

"Good doggie," the old man crooned as he held the dog.

"Keith, sit up here- did you have to bring them along?" Lance laughed as Keith scrambled into the front seat.

"Shut up! You almost died, Lance! Why did you even send me if you were going to show up yourself?"

Lance smiled at him as he doubled over a little until his face was level with Keith's, both keeping their eyes focused on flying.

"I would have if you hadn't been with me. Knowing you were there was the only reason I felt brave enough to show up. That woman terrifies me, I could never face her on my own. You saved me, Keith. I was in big trouble back there."

Keith's heart jumped in his chest as he and Lance glanced at each other at the same time, but he didn't know why.

"Summon Hunk with your heart and the ring will guide you. Take the wheel."

Keith's hands latched onto it as Lance let go.

"Don't let go! What are you doing?" Keith shrieked in horror as he realized they were nearing a bell tower.

He spun the wheel like crazy. By sheer luck, they missed hitting it and managed to go through it sideways. Lance laughed.

"Wow! You're a great pilot!"

"Are you crazy?!" Keith shouted back, his heart racing, holding the steering wheel with a white knuckle grip.

"We have a good lead now, I can only give you invisibility for five minutes, so use it wisely to get back. Stay safe."

Lance raised an arm and a mirage of them appeared as the real Keith and company turned invisible.

"Lance!" Keith gaped at him, but it didn't last long as he dodged a tree.

He kept flying, his heart desperately calling for the place he called home. The small beam of light appeared brighter on the ring as they passed through a storm. Rain pelted his face and got in his eyes as they flew, his hair sticking to his face and neck. After several hours of following the direction of the light, Lance's lion castle finally made it into view. The rain had stopped and Keith felt relief. Hunk was coming to meet them!


Then, he realized he had no idea how to land the stupid vehicle.

"Keith! Here!" Pidge shouted over the noise from the balcony.

"Pidge! Help! I have no idea how to land this thing!"

But he needn't have worried- not too much anyway. Hunk opened the lion castle's mouth and seemingly swallowed the vehicle and its occupants whole as they crashed through the wall inside.

"Keith! Keith! Are you ok?!" Pidge shrieked after the noise had died down and dust had cleared.

She came face to face with the old man and the dog. She stared at them with wide eyes, sensing evidence of magic from them.

Keith clambered down the debris, stumbling a little on some rubble, but regained his balance in time to catch Pidge as she hugged him. He hugged her back.

"I'm fine, Pidge," he smiled.

She nodded, relieved, but didn't let go until she felt better.

"Did you miss me or something?" Keith chuckled.

"Shut up. Who are they?"

"Well, let's just say the Wizard of the Waste is no longer all powerful, and we don't really have to worry about him. And this is Matthew-"

The dog scrambled to Pidge and jumped on her, knocking her down. He licked her face and cheeks, whining joyously.


Keith nodded.

"I think he's your brother."

The dog barked and wagged his tail furiously as he smiled in a doggish way.

"Matt? Is that really you?!" Pidge exclaimed.

Matt barked and spun around excitedly.

Pidge hugged him tightly and Matt licked her teary face.

Then, they sat down for supper. They all ate, Keith having to spoon feed the old man because he was still weak from the day's events.

The old man never stopped looking at Hunk, who stayed very low in the grate.

"He's creeping me out. He won't stop staring at me…"

Keith spoon-fed the old man again.

"Don't do that. He's the Wizard of the Waste!"

"He's not hurting anyone. He's ok."

"What a pretty fire," the old man croaked.

Hunk quickly sank down low in the grate again, eyeing the man with paranoia.

After they ate, they set a bed up for the old man on Keith's couch, and then Keith made a bed on a knobbly mattress before going to sleep. He felt the mice curl up in the crook of his arm as he drifted off.

That night, Keith's dreams were far from pleasant.

He woke up in the castle, but the old man was nowhere in sight. Neither were Pidge and Matt. He didn't take the time to notice he was human again.

He heard Hunk panicking on the other side of the curtain that hid the mattress he slept on, and pulled it back as he got up. He saw bloody footprints trailing up the stairs.

"I wonder if Lance is back home…"

Keith followed the odd looking footprints on the floor to another room, his candle flickering. He opened the door and saw a tunnel filled with the same objects Lance kept in his room. He slowly entered and the sound of deep, slow, heavy breathing filled his ears, getting louder and louder the closer he got.

"Lance? Is that you?"

"Go away…" came the rumbling voice.

"Lance, please, tell me what's wrong- let me help you," Keith pleaded.

"Help? You? You can't even break your own curse!"

"Lance, please. I want to help you. I love you-"

The darkness shifted and Keith realized it was a creature. It flew deeper into the tunnel, blinding him with feathers.

"You're too late…" it breathed as it vanished.

Keith was back in his Galra form as Lance's feathers floated down to the ground.

"Lance! No!"

The sound of the faucets turning on in the bathroom upstairs scared Keith into wakefulness. He sat up hurriedly and looked around at Hunk, his ears twitching.

"Is he back?"

"Yeah, and my hot water is being wasted again. We've got to find a way to break our curses, or he won't be able to turn back into a human soon."

Keith nodded and got up to start his day. Pidge joined him as soon as he finished dressing the old man back in his clothes from the day before, Matt at her side.

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