Lance's Lion Castle: Final Part

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Everyone clambered off the floor and went to the cliff, looking at the sunrise. Lance had an arm around Keith's shoulders and Keith had an arm around his waist. Shiro inhaled for the first time in a long time and couldn't wait to be reunited with Adam again. Pidge was in Matt's arms as he picked her up and held her like a child balanced on his hip. She rested her head against his neck and they watched as the sun rose.

Suddenly, a star came flying back around them.

"It's Hunk!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"Hunk, you came back!" Lance smiled and Keith cupped his hands under the star.

"I got hungry. And it looks like it's gonna rain," Hunk pouted.

"We missed you too, Hunk," Keith smiled, looking back at Lance, who had wrapped an arm around his waist.

"It's a good thing you came back. I think I know how to break your curse," Lance said thoughtfully to Hunk.

"Really?! Oh I can't wait until I can cook again! I don't wanna be a star anymore… hurry up, Lance! Work your magic!"

"You'll always be a star to us, Hunk," Pidge smiled and Hunk sniffled at the others agreed.

"Aw, you guys!"

Lance had Keith set Hunk on the boulder and then pulled something out of his pocket and poured its contents into his hand. He blew the blue powder onto Hunk, who became shrouded in a cloud of the blue. Once it cleared, a tall, tank-like young man stood before them. He had a square jaw and a dark complexion, even more so than Lance's. He was even taller than Lance, and built bigger than Shiro.

"Did it work?" Hunk asked, opening one brown eye and looking at their shocked faces.

"Uh…" Matt erred, raising his eyebrows.

Hunk opened his other eye and looked down at himself. He was in a bright yellow chef's jacket, dark green pants and brown shoes, his old orange headband in its place around his head.

"It worked! It worked!' Hunk cried happily, snatching everyone into a bone crushing group hug.

"How?" he asked Lance after he released them from the hug.

"Well, the last thing you cooked with was blue flour, wasn't it?"

Hunk nodded.

"Turns out, that's the last ingredient needed to break a curse like yours, the last thing you cooked with."

Hunk smiled broadly and hugged Lance and Keith together in a bear hug, of which he himself had perfected.

After their initial shock and joy at everyone's curses and spells being broken, Lance magicked them to the palace to get Shiro back to Adam. He deposited them in the maze garden before he started his search for the lonely, heartbroken king.

Lance found him in another part of the garden, sitting on a bench near a fountain and holding one of the hats Shiro had made for him when they first met.

"Your majesty," Lance spoke, his voice firm and strong.

Adam sighed.

"What is it?"

He turned and looked shocked to see Lance.

"Blue Paladin? What-"

"There are some guests you are going to want to see immediately."

Adam followed Lance through the maze, feeling his worry and pain slowly dissipating, being replaced by excitement, though he didn't know why.

Shiro was pacing back and forth in front of Keith, Pidge, Matt, and Lotor. His prosthetic arm glinted and creaked as he squeezed his both hands into fists.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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