Lance's Lion Castle: Part 14

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They walked around for a while, Lance offering his arm to Keith, who tucked his hand in the crook of Lance's elbow. To Lance, Keith was absolutely gorgeous. He had beautiful eyes like amethysts in the sun- or distant galaxies he'd seen in his magic studies. His dark hair was kempt and in a long ombre braid down his back, the only thing he kept from his other form. He looked like he would fit perfectly in Lance's arms, but Lance knew it was too soon to test it. Keith wasn't ready. He wanted Keith to realize his worth and Lance was going to prove it to him, no matter how long it took. Especially with how long Lance had been looking for him…

He snapped out of his thoughts as Keith let go of his hand and stood at the small stream a few feet away, his amethyst eyes taking in everything.

"This place is beautiful!" Keith exclaimed excitedly, looking back at Lance with a smile.

Lance smiled back as Keith turned to stare out over the water and wave upon wave of flowers, taking in its beauty.

After a few minutes, Lance spoke softly, "Keith?"

"It seems familiar, but I've never been here before," Keith said quietly, as he looked back at Lance, trying to remember, "but I feel… at home."

"I want to show you something."


Keith took Lance's offered hand once more and Lance led him across a grassy knoll. Keith wasn't aware he had returned to his human self, his long, ombre hair the only thing remaiming from his Galra transformation. Lance thought it brought out his beautiful eyes as the wind draped it over his shoulder. Keith's cheeks were pink and his hand felt right in Lance's. They crested the hill and Keith smiled brightly.

"It's so cute!" he exclaimed as he looked at the small cottage with a water wheel beside it.

"It was my uncle's. He let me use it to study. Now you can come here whenever you like. Let me show it to you."

He started to lead Keith down to the cottage, but Keith suddenly had a terrible thought and his hand slid out of Lance's. Lance turned back, the wind catching his curls as he looked back at Keith, slight worry lining his face.

"Keith, what is it?"

"I… I feel like this is your way of saying something… like you're leaving," he said quietly, his hands shaking as he clutched the charm on the necklace he wore.

Lance gave him a small, sad smile as he came back to Keith.

"I'm just setting things up so all of you can live a comfortable life, Keith," he said gently, "with all the flowers you've got in this valley, you could open up a flower shop. You'd be great at it, you know?"

"So… you are leaving…"

Keith shook his head, his heart racing. He didn't want Lance to leave- what if he didn't come back this time? What if he never came back before Keith could tell him- the memory of his nightmare came back to him and he paled.

"I feel like you're leaving and you won't be coming back… please, I can try to help you, I know I'm not the best looking and all I'm really good at is cleaning and sewing, but I promise I'll try my best-"

"Keith! You're gorgeous! Please don't listen to what Honerva-"

Lance watched with growing sadness as Keith's Galra appearance changed his features once more.

"The best thing about looking like what I think of myself is how much it keeps people away from me- keeping them from getting hurt," Keith said sadly, giving Lance a small smile.

Lance was going to say something, but jerked his head around, sensing something that shouldn't have been there.

"What is that doing here?"

"Is that a battleship?" Keith breathed, following Lance's gaze.

"Looking for more cities to burn," Lance growled, more to himself.

He wrapped an arm around Keith's waist in a comforting gesture and raised his free one, passing it over the view of the ship. Alarms started going off and Lance quickly let go of Keith to grasp his own arm. Keith noticed it had feathers poking out of it and looked painful.

"What did you do?!" Keith exclaimed, trying to decide whether or not to try and take hold of Lance's pained arm to comfort him.

"Just messed with it. It won't crash though."

Keith looked back up at the battleship before looking at Lance's arm again.

"Uh oh, here they come," Lance said in a sing-song voice, watching the failing battleship.

"Lance, are you-"

Keith was cut off as the battleship expelled several creatures. They were winging their way toward Lance and Keith. Suddenly, Lance started pushing Keith and they were running down the hill to gain momentum. Then wings sprouted out of his back and he grasped Keith's hands, lifting him off the ground as he started flying. Keith yelped as Lance flew faster. The door soon came into sight.

"You're going in," Lance stated.

"What?! No, don't let go-!"

Lance let go and Keith half flew and half fell through the door that they had come through. His momentum carried him through the air and up the stairs, where he crashed into the main room in front of Hunk with a groan as his head and back pounded in unison.

"Keith!?" Pidge gasped as she opened the door from the courtyard, "what happened?!"

"Gah! That frickin hurts!" Keith growled, massaging his aching back, his ears and tail twitching in agitation.

Pidge snickered and Matt wheezed.

Later that night, Keith was mending some of Pidge's tunics in his room. A gentle tap sounded on his door and it opened to reveal Pidge in a long night gown and Matt, who was still a dog.

"Good night, Keith," she said quietly.

"G'night, Pidge, Matt."

The door almost closed when Pidge opened it again.

"Hey, Keith? Don't worry about Lance. Sometimes, he will go away for days on end. He'll be fine."

Keith gave her a small smile, his ears drooping a little.

"That's good to know. Thank you."

Pidge and Matt went to bed, and Keith got up to tuck the old man, who said his name was Lotor, in bed.

"Need anything else?" Keith asked him, his tail swishing behind him quietly.

Lotor was much nicer as an old man than he had been as a young wizard. Keith found it almost intriguing, especially after Lotor had been the one to curse and insult him. But now…

"No. I'm fine. Thanks."

"Alright. Good night then," Keith said and turned to walk away from him.

"You're in love," Lotor said quietly, his old voice suddenly full of wisdom.

Keith paused and looked back at Lotor a little, his ears perking.

"Don't deny it. You've been sighing all day."

Keith turned to look at Lotor, who looked so innocent with his very old wrinkled face and his hands folded at his chest on top of the quilt. Keith sighed again, realizing Lotor was right. He sat down on the foot of Lotor's bed.

"Just as I thought," Lotor said, faint triumph showing in his voice.

"Have you ever been in love before?" Keith asked him.

"Course I have. I'm still in love."

Keith gasped, his ears flicking forward slightly as he looked at the old man in shock,

Lotor's innocent old face gleamed.

"Handsome young men are so difficult to deal with, but their hearts I just adore!"

Keith gave him a flat look.

"You're terrible."

Lotor smiled, his wrinkled face becoming more so.

"And they're so cute too."

This old man

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