Lance's Lion Castle: Part 16

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Keith's nose wrinkled at the awful smell of smoke and cigar smoke filling the room.

"I will never let Honerva get a hold of Lance," he heard Lotor grumble as he puffed on a cigar.

Keith immediately set about trying to get Hunk back to full strength, but no matter how much he pumped the small hand bellows, Hunk just sputtered.

"But the papers said they won," Pidge said quietly.

"Only idiots believe what they read in the paper," Lotor responded, still smoking the cigar.

"It's so weird, I can't get Hunk going."

Lotor puffed on the cigar again and Keith turned.

"Do you have to keep smoking that? It smells awful."

"Don't deny an old wizard his pleasures, young man," Lotor responded, blowing smoke rings.

"Pidge. Would you crack a window, please?" Keith coughed, fanning the smoke away from his face and sensitive nose.


Pidge hopped off the chair and went to the window.

"I wouldn't open that window if I were you, sweetheart," Lotor called to Pidge, who opened the curtains, "Hunk is too weak to protect this place right now. Honerva's henchmen could get in."

Keith realized he was speaking the truth.

"Pidge! Wait!"

Keith made it just in time to slam the window shut and close the curtains just as bombs started going off in the town and the house shook violently, throwing them backward onto the floor.

Keith and Pidge regained their footing and ran outside to the edge of the courtyard. Fires were burning elsewhere and people were shouting and screaming.

"Pidge, get back inside. I'm going to check on the shop," Keith told her and she disappeared, noticing that Keith looked a little more human than normal as he ran to the attached building.

Keith ran out of the shop door to see how close the fire was, not noticing he was becoming more human. He felt something strange to his right and turned to look. Lotor's old henchmen, who were now Honerva's, were staggering and stumbling toward him as he stood on the stoop, their bodies contorting creepily as they tried to break out of their uniforms. Keith glared at them and realized more were coming up, surrounding him in the front.

"There are bombs falling on us! Why can't you put out some fires instead?!" Keith shouted at them, backing away until his back was pressed against the front door of the shop.

He felt the door handle in his hand and he whirled inside just as the henchmen lunged for him. He closed and locked the door and ran through the shop as the slimy henchmen started squeezing in the crack in between the doors. Just as he disappeared around the corner heading for the others, the doors burst off their hinges and the henchmen came tearing in after him. Keith sprinted around the edge of the courtyard toward the house, but froze as he saw a battleship flying low over the town, getting a good, yet terrible view of its bombing bay as it dropped more bombs lined directly at the courtyard- and Keith.

He couldn't move! Not that it would do him much good to get away from it if he could have. Then, he saw a figure flying faster, swooping amongst the bombs before latching onto the one that was falling directly towards him.

"Lance! No!"

Keith shielded his face as the other bombs blew up around the house and shop, their impact flinging him against the wall as debris pelted him. Smoke and dust cleared, and Keith felt his heart racing wildly. He unfurled himself from his spot against the wall and slowly looked back at the one bomb that hadn't gone off.

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