Lance's Lion Castle: Part 6

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Keith dragged the full sheet to Pidge, who dragged it outside to dispose of it. When he came back, Lance was looking around the room curiously. Four colorful mice skittered across the floor in front of him and paused to look at Keith, who tilted his head a little, his ears swiveling forward. The first was yellow, the second pink, the third blue, and the fourth was turquoise. They squeaked and scurried under the desk.

"Those four will be fine to stay in here. They're very special creatures," Lance said, his blue eyes gentle as he looked at Keith with a small smile.

Keith's face turned pink. Lance looked beautiful. His white hair was clean and trimmed, and he wore a light blue tunic, black pants that made him seem taller, his usual black shoes, and his multicolored coat rested across his shoulders. Keith noticed he wore a necklace with a blue gem on it, and matching earrings. His hands were bare except for a silver ring with a purple gem in it and runes around the band.

He passed Keith and Pidge and went to the door, turning it to the black side of the dial. As he opened the door, he looked back at the other two.

"Pidge, make sure Keith doesn't get too carried away while I'm gone."

Then, he vanished, the door closing behind him and turning back to the Kingsbury side.

"Keith, what happened?"

Keith shrugged.

"I think he scared the mice. You know, the mice Allura gave him…" Hunk said quietly.

Pidge blinked owlishly as Keith made for the stairs.

"Wait! What are you doing?!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms out as she blocked his path.

"Anything you don't want me to clean, you better hide it now," he warned with a small smile.

"AHH!" Pidge scrambled up the stairs and Keith heard a door slam.

"Good luck up there. You're gonna need it," Hunk called to him.

Keith's brows furrowed, but he continued. The first room he came to was the bathroom. He looked inside and nearly puked. Everything was disgusting. Steam still rose from the tub full of water, and condensation coated every surface, allowing some form of algae to grow.

"What a mess!!" he shouted in disgust, and Hunk chuckled from below.

He tied the mask over his face as he started cleaning the bathroom. He drained the tub, dusted the ceiling, the lights, the counter, wiped the cabinet, the walls, the window, the window sill. Then he scrubbed the toilet, the tub, and the floor before mopping it, all while incoherently grumbling in anger. He reorganized bottles and small containers, whose contents he knew nothing about, but he was cleaning, so he didn't really care.

He opened the window to air the room out and saw the castle loping along a magnificent cliffside.

"Hunk! Hunk! Are you the one moving the castle?!" Keith exclaimed excitedly as he ran to the landing at the top of the stairs.

"Yeah, I am. No one else does this but me."

"It's incredible! You're amazing, Hunk!" Keith shouted as he went to look out the window again.

"I'm… amazing?" Hunk asked the room at large, his eyes round and his flame slightly pink, "he said I'm AMAZING!" he started laughing and grew bigger, causing the castle to leap and move faster.

Keith found a door that led to a balcony and he couldn't help but stand out on it, looking at the beautiful landscape in awe, his long purple braid flying behind him. A faint thumping noise reached his ears before Pidge joined him.

"Oh, that's Star Lake- what's that?"

"Give me a hand, please," Keith sighed exasperatedly and he and Pidge reached down to the familiar stick stuck in a gap of the castle.

Together, they flipped Turniphead upright again.

"It's a scarecrow…" Pidge looked at Keith, wrinkling her nose in confusion.

"Yeah, I've been calling him Turniphead. He's a real champion, though. He helped me find the castle and he helped me on my way up the foothills. But somehow, he always manages to get stuck upside down."

Pidge looked at Turniphead thoughtfully, then jumped back, hiding behind Keith as the scarecrow leaped up, balancing his stick on top of the castle.

"He keeps following me everywhere. I don't know why."

"That is weird. Are you sure you're not a wizard, Keith?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm the worst kind ever: the kind that cleans!" Keith growled and smiled playfully as Pidge laughed.

Then, she dashed back inside to clean her room some more.

Hunk set the castle down by the edge of Star Lake and Pidge and Keith carried out the laundry. Turniphead and Pidge set up the clothesline. Pidge and Keith had tea as they looked out at Star Lake and Turniphead kept the laundry drying in the breeze.

"You know, the lake reminds me of the color of Lance's eyes…" Keith said quietly.

"I think you like him," Pidge stated.

Keith blushed and cleared his throat.

"He's kind, so yeah. He's nothing like what the rumors say he is, and that was a nice surprise."

Pidge glanced at Keith before eating her biscuit.

"How old are you, Pidge?" Keith asked out of sudden curiosity.

"I'm 14. Lance is around 26 or something. He's like my big brother. I'm trying to find my biological big brother though. He's been missing for a long time."

Ok, so Lance is about my age, only a year older

"How long have you been with Lance and learning magic?"

"6 years. My brother, Matt, has been missing for 8. I hope I find him soon."

Keith smiled and put a gentle hand on top of her head.

"You're not alone in your search. I'll help you and Lance look for him too. We'll find him together."

Pidge sniffled and hugged him.

"You know, you're not as scary as people say and as you think you are," she said quietly, settling back onto her stool.

He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"If you say so."

"How'd you get your scar?"

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