Lance's Lion Castle: Part 15

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A distant air raid siren went off and Keith's ears swiveled around as he looked in each direction to determine where it was coming from.

"Is that-?"

"An air raid siren," Lotor said knowledgeably.

Keith went to peek out of the window, but Lotor cautioned him with a warning.

"It's a long way off, but you'd better not go outside tonight. I'm sure Honerva's henchmen are out looking for this place as we speak."

His milky gray eyes returned to looking at Hunk, who was still burning away, but keeping low to the embers to avoid being stared at.

"What a good fire," Lotor hummed quietly, "he keeps this house so well hidden."

The next morning, Keith heard as most of the people who called the town home were leaving it. Citizens had packed all their belongings and had begun making their way out of the city as fast as possible in droves.

Pidge was heading outside in disguise with Matt, some flowers in hand, when a vehicle stopped in front of the house and a man got out, leaving the driver behind. Matt hid behind Pidge as the man drew near.

The man entered the house and Pidge and Matt took another way in to find Keith as fast as possible.

"Keith! There's a strange man in here!" Pidge exclaimed and pointed as Keith came out of the house holding a tin full of flowers.

The man dressed in a flamboyant suit and hat came around the corner, looking around at everything. His eyes widened as he saw Keith, and Keith felt his heart pounding furiously fast. They both stared at each other for a moment.


Pause… then-


Then the man ran at Keith and tackled him, knocking both of them to the ground and sending flowers and water in every direction as he hugged Keith tightly.

"Thank goodness you're here! I've searched everywhere for you! Axca and I have been so worried that you would go missing like Shiro!"

Keith's father was crying big tears as he hugged his son, who was shocked and confused at the action. He'd never been one for receiving physical affection, let alone initiating it.

"Look at your face- what happened to you? You're so ugl- I mean- purple! Everyone is saying it's my fault that you left, and I haven't had a clue of what to do…"

Keith's father hid his face in his son's shoulder and Keith hugged him back, burying his nose against him. He really did miss his dad, but he was always gone. He also knew what his dad had been about to say. It hurt, but he was used to it by now.

Keith showed him around the house after his father's tears had subsided. They walked into the main room and found Lotor sleeping in a chair in front of Hunk, who was hiding amongst the embers again.

"I hardly recognize the place! Who is that old man?" his father gasped, "is that the landlord? He's so old…"

His father turned and then another thought came to him and he looked at his son.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I got married again!"

Keith felt his blood freeze. His father was acting really strange.

"She's such a nice woman, and filthy rich too, so we can all live together again! You won't have to work as a servant anymore! We'll finally be a family like you always wanted!"

I… should be happy, but… I don't want to go with him. I need to stay- no. I want to stay here with Pidge and Matt, Hunk, Lotor too, I guess, and… Lance…

"That's alright, Father. I like living here. This is home to me."

"Really?" his father sounded disgusted, then he gasped and spoke quickly, "I forgot! I've got a car waiting. I gotta run!"

He hugged Keith tightly, who hugged him back, confused.

"I'm so glad I found you again. Axca will be so relieved as well."

Keith escorted his father back to the car, not noticing his father left a pouch on the table, which Lotor, who had just woken up from his nap, was eyeing with interest. He hopped off the chair and shuffled quickly to it to see what it was, then bounced back to his chair and plopped in it. He opened the bag and reached in, quickly grabbing a black wormy looking creature as it struggled to get away from his firm grasp.

"A peeping bug? Can't Honerva do better than that? Open wide, Hunk!" Lotor said with a smile and threw the bug at him.

Hunk ate it and then wished he hadn't as he suddenly felt sicker than he ever had, even when he had been human. He choked and smoke emanated from him as his flames died to embers as Lotor searched the bag for anything good.

Outside, Keith bade his father goodbye and the driver drove off.

"I did what I was told, now take me to my wife," Keith's father snapped at the driver.

"Yes, sir. I'm sure Madame Honerva will be very pleased with you," the driver said cheerily.

Keith's father looked back sadly at his son.

"Forgive me, Keith," he mumbled quietly, a sad expression on his face.

Keith walked back up the steps and joined old man Pidge as they watched everyone still leaving the town.

"Just look at them all. If they keep leaving at this rate, we'll be the only ones left," Keith said to her quietly.

"Do you wanna leave too, Keith?" Pidge asked, her voice dull.


"That man said he wants you to live with him now."

"Yeah, well… at least he cared enough to visit. He didn't do it often before I left, so it was a surprise to see him."

"Don't leave, Keith!" Pidge shouted as she tackled him, burying her face into his side, her hands clutching at his tunic.

Keith jumped a little and looked down at her, worried.

"You can't leave. You're like a big brother to me. You have to stay…" she mumbled, her voice muffled against him.

Her disguise had disappeared, but no one else noticed.

"Pidge, I'm not going to leave. I want to stay here with you and Matt, and Hunk, Lotor too, I guess, and who will take care of everyone while Lance is away?" Keith crooned to her, gently hugging her.

"Really?" Pidge squeaked, looking up at him, "'cause we're a family now, right? And don't think I don't know you also want to stay because of Lance."

"Of-of course we are, little sister," Keith smiled, unable to hide the pink in his cheeks from her sharp eyes.

Pidge hugged him tighter for a moment before they went inside.

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