Lance's Lion Castle: Part 13

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Then, they set to work getting the flying vehicle out of the castle. Keith stayed inside while Pidge, Matt, and Turniphead were outside trying to pull it out with a rope. It wouldn't budge.

"Move, you pile of bolts!" Keith growled and kicked it in anger.

He yelled and shielded himself as the wings on the thing fluttered dangerously fast. It moved itself out of the castle, crashing to the ground below, and seemingly chased after Pidge and the others before dying again as it crashed on a boulder. Silence reigned for a few seconds before everyone laughed. Keith sighed, relieved. Then, he started fixing breakfast with instructions from Hunk while Pidge and Matt threw debris out of the opening of the accidental hole.

Matt looked at Hunk with confusion and tilted his head as Hunk's flame popped at him a little.

"Ooh! I know that curse! He only remembers his name and one person he was closely related to, so you'll have to help him remember one of his memories and then he will be back to himself," Hunk told Pidge excitedly.

She hugged the dog tightly. She knew it would take time, but she was just glad someone she trusted found him. They had settled for breakfast when footsteps sounded on the stairs and Lance came in all his blue-eyed sunshine glory. Turniphead joined them in the hole that Keith had accidentally made and bounced to keep his balance.

"Good morning, everyone!" Lance greeted cheerfully.

Keith looked up and smiled at him, then felt his face turn bright red. Lance was stunning in a loose white tunic with the loose sleeves tucked up at his elbows, contrasting with his tanned skin. His soft looking hair was wildly curly and Keith really wanted to touch it, but refrained. Lance's tunic was tucked into high waisted black pants that made his already long legs look even more so, and his black shoes were made of fine leather. He looked like an angel to Keith.

"What a pretty man," the old man mumbled and Keith silently agreed.

Then, Honerva's words and insults towards him came to mind and his ears drooped and he scooped a spoonful of food onto a spoon for the old man.

Lance would never think of me as anything more than a servant.

"Good morning," he mumbled quietly, turning away from Lance to feed the old man.

"Lance! Keith found my brother! He's under a spell as a dog- but he's here!" Pidge exclaimed excitedly, showing Matt to Lance, Matt wagging his tail as Pidge picked him up.

"That's fantastic!" Lance laughed.

Keith dropped his fork on the floor and quickly utilized this opportunity to hide his blushing face as he picked it up. Lance was breathtaking. Everything about him- his eyes, his laugh, his freckles… even if he never saw Keith as anything more than a servant or a monster, Keith decided he could still admire him.

"Hmmm… you have a nasty spell on you too," Lance said as he examined Turniphead, to which the scarecrow bounced a little in response, "seems like everyone in this household has problems of one sort or another."

Then, Lance joined them at the table across from Keith, who had straightened in his seat with his fork in hand.

"The Wizard of the Waste and Honerva's cursed errand runner at my table? Our little family just keeps growing, doesn't it?"

Pidge laughed and Keith blushed deeper, avoiding Lance's gaze. He'd never really gotten close to his own family. Maybe this one was different…

They ate breakfast and then Lance had everyone move to sit on the table against the wall. He had Hunk move the castle over a glyph he had drawn on the ground below, then quickly drew another onto the floor inside the main room as he announced moving day. He gently scooped Hunk up in the ash shovel and held him out. Keith watched in awe as they performed magic and the rooms around and above them changed. Keith stared in shock. It was the hat shop!

Lance gave them the all-clear and Pidge and Matt ran around excitedly exploring everything.

"It's huge! Oh wow! A courtyard!"

Keith went to the window in the main room and looked out of it, remembering the millions of times he had seen the view outside. He had missed it.

"I added a new bathroom too," Lance said with a small smile, joining him, "since our family seems to keep growing."

Keith didn't know what to say as his face reached crimson.

"And the kitchen is bigger now, plus we have more space. Come over here and look at this, Keith."

Keith joined him and Lance opened a door.

"I added another bedroom as well. Have a look."

Lance watched closely as Keith walked into the room that would be his. He slowly shrank down into a human again and his braided hair shortened a little. He finally looked almost like himself, except for his long, ombre purple hair.

"Why… why did you do this?" Keith asked him, his Galra ears slowly growing back out, and his skin fading to purple again as his height slowly grew.

"I wanted you to have a room that suited you… is that ok?"

Keith looked around the room, fully Galra again.

"Yeah, it's nice," he said, sounding almost... sad.

Lance frowned internally, but didn't let his disappointment show. Keith still needed time.

"I got you some new clothes too. But you can open them later," Lance said, gesturing towards the bed as he walked away.

Keith stared out the window of his old bedroom.

"Come on, Keith, look at this!"

Keith cut through the main room and stood at the top of the stairs behind Lance as he closed the front door.

"See that new color on the dial? I made a new portal."

Lance opened the door to reveal a beautiful grassy landscape complete with hills and millions of flowers.

"It's a present for you. Come with me?" Lance's blue eyes twinkled softly at him as he extended a hand to Keith.

Keith hesitantly accepted it and allowed Lance to pull him outside. Keith felt his jaw drop at the sight. Hills upon hills of wild flowers went on for miles all around them. It was... beautiful.

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