Lance's Lion Castle: Part 7

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Keith blew off the question, saying he needed to get back to cleaning. He and Pidge brought the table and stools back inside before Pidge took off to her room again. Keith cleaned the hallway, the landings, and the stairs before he finally felt a sense of accomplishment. Then, Pidge let him into her room, where he cleaned it a little better than she had.

Miles and miles away, Lance soared over the burning landscape. How could Adam do this? How could Zarkon do this? Their people were innocent. This war was stupid. Shiro was just missing, not gone forever, or so he hoped.

He searched for enemy wizards and witches as he glided along, deep in thought. He spotted some as they were expelled from their ship, and swooped upward at blinding speed, knocking them all senseless as he escaped through a hole he made in the smoke into the blue sky above, closing it before he was followed. He made it back to the door he'd left through earlier the day before. He was exhausted. He slowly walked into the main room and sank into the chair Keith had left out for him in front of Hunk.

"Hey, buddy, you don't look so good- are you getting any sleep? You haven't been eating right lately either. You need to take a break. And you smell terrible. You should stop flying around like that. Soon, you won't be able to turn back into a human," Hunk rambled.

Lance grunted and winced as he slowly shifted back into his human self, his feathers shrinking and being replaced by the garments he had worn before.

Hunk grabbed a few logs and set himself upon them as he smiled at Lance.

"Isn't this great? Keith put these here for me. He's so nice, ya know? I just wish he hadn't been cursed too. You noticed that as well, right? Every time the Wizard of the Waste is mentioned, he gets into some kind of fit. He can't talk about it, but I know that Wizard's curses when I see one."

Lance sighed. He wanted to talk about Keith more than anything else, but he had to change the subject.

"This war is terrible. It's nothing but ashes, smoke, and ruins along the northern border," he chuckled darkly as the next thought struck him, "and I was attacked by my own kind today."

"Those magic users are gonna regret letting themselves be used like that. They aren't human anymore," Hunk said wisely.

Lance agreed and looked around the spotless room. Keith had really done a great job. He noticed that a small plate of crumbs of food was on the floor by the hole that Allura's mice lived in. There were tiny paw prints on and around it, but there were no mice in sight.

"Weren't you supposed to report to the king too? Not that Zarkon guy, who did all that to those wizards, but ours?" Hunk asked quietly.

"I'm tired, buddy. Can you please make some hot water for my bath? Like you said, I stink and I feel gross."

Hunk smiled a little.

"Yeah, sure thing. Oh, and make sure to be quiet. Keith's asleep behind those curtains."

Lance slowly stood and went to the curtains, gently moving one to the side a little. Keith was revealed in Hunk's flickering light. He was no longer purple, nor did he have the big furry ears or the tail. He was back to his human self, but Lance knew it would only last as long as he slept until he found a way to break his curse. His dark bangs were covering his face as his gentle breaths moved them occasionally. Allura's mice were curled up asleep in the crook of one of his arms as he slept on his back, his face angled toward the curtains. The shirt he was wearing was too big on him, the collar hanging open loosely as his chest rose and fell. The charm on the necklace he wore glittered in Hunk's fire light as he breathed. Lance gently brushed Keith's obsidian hair out of his face and latter sighed a little, still sound asleep. Another thing to add to Lance's rapidly growing to-do list was to help Keith. He was already trying to find Matt and a way to help Hunk. He didn't mind adding Keith to that list, not in the slightest, especially since…

Lance sighed quietly and let the curtain fall back into place, hiding the beautiful sleeping young man before silently heading upstairs for his bath.

Keith woke with a start, his ears twitching as he looked around for the sound that startled him awake.

"Is Lance back?" he asked Hunk.

"Yeah. Poor guy. And he's using all my hot water- again!"

Hunk grabbed more logs and started eating them.

While Lance was taking his bath, Keith and Pidge went to Porthaven market in disguise to shop for some fresh food. Pidge grumbled grumpily as Keith picked out the freshest of ingredients by smell alone.

"Hush. Pay up," he said as he walked away with the food in a basket.

Pidge mumbled and paid the booth owner before following Keith. They stopped at a fishmonger booth and Keith was checking the fish, when people began running by and shouting as a broken down ship sailed into port. Ships were sailing out to it to try and help its sailors, who were diving into the water to get to safety.

Keith looked down the way at a tall figure and when it turned, he quickly pressed himself and Pidge flush against the wall.

"The Wizard's henchmen are here!" he hissed to her.


"Shh! We need to go back home," Keith growled.

He wasn't ready to face the Wizard. Not right now…

They quickly made their escape and Pidge switched the door to Kingsbury. Both of them sighed heavily before Keith started sweeping. He had just finished when an agonized cry shattered the peaceful silence of the house. A door burst open upstairs and footsteps thundered in his ears as Lance came racing to the stairwell with nothing but a towel around his waist, steam from his bath trailing after him. From the sound of it, he hit the walls a few times in the process as if his vision were obscured.

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