Felix pov

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      Why did I feel different around her even though I just found out she was my sisters best friend and she worked for me it still wasn't the first time I met.


    I walked around the park with my dog hobby when the sound of crying reached my ears I looked around till I spotted a girl who looked to be 13 or 14 curled up on the grass I slowly approached the girl so I wouldn't spook her.

    "Hi." I said and she quickly sat up wiping her tears "uhm h..hi" she said still hiccuping "sorry to disturb you but are you okay" she looked at me like I was crazy before shaking her head and looking at the ground, I just remembered I had some ice cream cups with me in a bag "here would you like some ice cream" she looked at me weary before seeing all the people around us..... smart girl, taking the ice cream from me she ate quietly while I sat next to her.

       "So do you want to talk about what made you cry." I said looking into her pretty eyes she cleared her throat before speaking up "I'm moving away and I don't want to live my best friend I haven't even told her yet I'm so scared and my dad won't listen to me he says this move is best for us." she broke out into another fit of cries I quickly rubbed her back and told her it was okay everything would work out .

"thanks for the ice cream it was really good you're a really nice guy but I have to go now before my mum gets worried."She said, I told her good bye and while I had just taken a few steps ahead to leave I heard her voice shout out from the small distance between us "hey nice guy I wish to marry you when I'm older so wait for me okay bye now" she said running and giggling and disappearing out of site, I chuckled and shook my head as I made my way further into the park.

End of flashback

      The memory of that little girl still stays with me and seeing her as I walked into the office for the first time into the company and seeing her stunned me.

      Anyway I was feeling tired and decided to take a shower and head to bed after I was done, I lived outside the city know one has ever been to my house in the woods. On days when I'm too tired to drive I spend my time in my penthouse apartment.

I woke up the next morning and got ready for work, I was going to be heading to tech g with evie this morning for the meeting I told her about on Friday. I stepped into the office and felt the air around me change... why do they suddenly go quiet and stiff when I show up I wondered as I stepped in the elevator.

Maybe it's because you're an egotistical cold man

The meeting was in hour so I got my files and headed to the parking lot where I found evie waiting, she looked really pretty.

       "Mmmh." I cleared my throat to make my presence known "are you ready.. shall we." I said as we went to my car.

      We arrived In less than actual time I anticipated we would be there

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We arrived In less than actual time I anticipated we would be there. As soon as we walked in we were escorted to the meeting room by the receptionist.

"Mr Romano." The most irritating person I've met joss said as he walked into the room, joss or Mr santos, I have always disliked the guy but he still knew how to do business so that's that and the reason why we are here.

Picture of joss

     I won't lie the reason why I dislike him is maybe because he is always so cheerful sucks all the life out of me even now as he takes a sit with a huge smile on his face

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     I won't lie the reason why I dislike him is maybe because he is always so cheerful sucks all the life out of me even now as he takes a sit with a huge smile on his face... what is it with this guy and smiling. I'm about to speak before I notice his eyes drift so I follow his gaze to see a stunned evie looking at him dumbfounded... I'm I missing something do they know each other.

       "Evie princessa, longtime no see." He says with a grin on his face. I look at evie to see her with a huge smile on her face... uhm am I missing something here." Joss it's good to see you after a longtime... let's talk after the meeting." She quickly dismisses the issue after seeing the look on my face.

      The meeting went smoothly but I did not fail to miss the subtle glances he gave to evie. When the meeting was over me and evie where heading back to my car when joss called her she gave me glance and I nodded I watched her as she made her way to him.

  I heard them faintly talking about something in Spanish and I'm Italian so I understand Spanish quite a lot "sé que está molesto pero tiene que aprender que esta es mi vida y tengo que aprender y crecer." I know he's upset but he has to learn that this is my life I have to learn and grow. I heard her say to him I wonder whom she was talking about.

I choose to not ease drop on their conversation and sat in the car. After the where done she came back with a glam look on her face, I opened the car door for her and she got in, the ride back was quiet when I glanced towards her I could see the gears shifting in her head but I didn't want to ask her what made her so gloomy so I choose to stay quiet and continued driving.

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