Who's she

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         Sunday came around I went to church and next thing you know it it was Monday and I was walking into the office but something about the atmosphere was stiffening I made my way over to Stacy who also seemed on edge. "Morning Stacy, why does everyone seem to be on edge" I asked looking around  "Mr Romano came in this morning colder than usual and is re-evaluating everyone " she said as she sat her cup of coffee down.

         "Evie Mr Romano wants you in his office now" Eric Mr Romano's secretary said "well good luck girl" she said as she got back to working, I made my way to the elevator and pressed the button to the top floor during the entire elevator ride I could not stop my mind from wondering, what if he's going to fire me. I slowly made my way to the wooden doors knocking, hearing an enter and making my way inside.

I stood in front of him as he sat in his chair and scanned me the only thing in between us was his table, the distance did nothing to stop his scent from invading my senses and sending a chill down my back. "Sit down" his voice came booming out stopping my mind from wondering any further, I took a sit in front of him and kept my eyes focused on the table.

I heard the wheels of his chair moving I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw him making his way towards me my breath got stuck in my throat as his scent became more prominent I was gripping the edges of my skirt so tight I could feel the blood going to my knuckles. He placed a file in front of me and made his way back to his chair I looked at the file "look at me" he spoke as he took a sip of whatever was in the cup next to him I lifted my head to look at him his stormy grey eyes bore into me at this point I was pretty sure I was heaving this just confirmed it when he looked towards my chest.

The tension in the room was chilling his eyes, scent just everything about him made me jumpy. He cleared his throat "I want you to give that to Mr koner as soon as he's in" he said "ok is that all... sir" I said wanting to leave as quickly as possible. He nodded his head and I quickly scrambled to my feet making my way out as soon as the elevator doors closed I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

          I got back down to the finance section to see Mr koner had just arrived, I gave him the file before making my way to my office where I found Jeffrey waiting for me but before we had the chance to chart Mr koner called for an emergency meeting. "I know you're all wondering why I called you all here" he stated as we had all settled.

        "I wanted to start with telling you all we've been assigned the food corp case" he said handing us copies of the file "the same case that was in the news" Stacy asked "yes the same case, we have been tasked with clearing and checking all the financial records of the incidents. "So I wanted to tell you who was going to be on my team with the clearing of the main financial records and as you all know I only need two people on my team and since the only ones who have not been on a case with me are Jeff and evie they will be the ones in this case with me."

           Everyone made there way out of the conference room except Jeff and me, Mr koner handed us the section we were working on and we all begun working on it two hours later Mr koner had already finished his section leaving me and Jeff with the rest, we were both given the larger section as this was our first financial case plus Mr koner was going to be promoted to financial director of the company which I think is long overdue.

"Wow I can't believe this guy stole all this money I get the stealing part but this much" Jeff said exaggerating at the end, I lightly laughed and shook my head as he flipped through papers and typed away on his laptop. "I'm feeling light headed with all these numbers, the things I would do with that money" he said shutting his laptop as it was now time for lunch I also got up and packed up everything before leaving for lunch with Jeff.

Jeff and I made our way to the restaurant about twenty minutes away from the company we were then directed to our table, "what do you wish to eat" I asked Jeff who still hadn't calmed down, the waiter then came into view "I would like steak with fries, with the white sauce on the steak and a death by chocolate milkshake " I said as Jeff got a burger and fries with a cola.

We talked about work and our annual trip that was coming up which by the way his parents always sent us on, last year it was to the Bahamas but I'm not sure where it will be this year. I know it's hard to imagine but this dumb ass that's complaining about money comes from a ton of money I don't even know why he works here when the salary only buys him clothes.

      I took a glance around the restaurant that's when I saw him sitting at a table with a woman that was way too close for comfort she laughed at something he said while he smiled at her, I felt sick to my stomach looking at them she was so bubbly laughing at everything he said, my face contorted into one of discomfort. I saw his eyes look around the restaurant before settling on mine his small smile faltered.

       I looked away from him turning back to Jeff who was talking my ear off but I never heard a word of it "yeah so I would have been smarter if I was in his position" I can't believe he was still on the food corp issue. I continued to eat like nothing happened but feeling his eyes on me didn't help, I felt hot under his  gaze "I'm done eating can we leave" I asked feeling overwhelmed.

        We made our way out after paying I mean Jeff paid for everything like always whenever we have lunch he never lets me pay only for treats like ice cream or chocolates we get on our way back. I looked towards his table to see him still looking at me I saw the woman he was with follow his eyes to my direction something about her eyes and the way she looked at me still holding that same smile sent danger flashing before my eyes I turned my eyes back to Felix who looked at me coldly his eyes void of any emotion I couldn't move under his gaze.

           Jeff was suddenly in front of me shielding me from their gazes "I noticed you spacing out as we had lunch and whatever did that is in that direction" his hazel eyes bore into mine "and the person in that direction, my cousin did not falter his gaze as he looked at you" wait his wh-  I remember he told me he was cousins with the ceo but in my defense I didn't know who the ceo was at the time but now I can totally see a small resemblance between the two of them.

       "Let's go" he choose not to question the situation which I was glad for on our way back he got me ice cream and chocolates but this time he didn't let me pay for them, I watched him as he drove back to the company his beautiful freckles spread all over his nose. I was really lucky to have him he turned towards me and smiled a little before focusing back on the road but the was one thing on my mind was her.... who was she... why did she look at me like that just thinking about it made me uneasy.

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