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  Evie's pov
         I turn around and look up as I feel eyes on me, his grey eyes staring at me so intently that I could feel the heat radiating off him yet I could feel the anger too. I wonder what's made him so upset, I turned back around as I heard fifi call my name "Evie, our annual trip is coming up in four months so where would you like to go this time around."

"Hmm I'm not sure how about Madrid wasn't it one of the places on our bucket list." I said thinking about the list of places we wanted to visit together.

"Are you forgetting about someone." Tiffany said as she walked towards us. "Tiffany." We both said in unison as we both got up and hugged her.

"We could never forget you." Sofia said as she gave her a kiss on the cheek, "how are you holding up after everything that happened." Tiffany said referring to the person that shall not be named.

I took a sigh as I thought of the message and the call from him "honestly I just want peace, hasn't he fucked up my life enough what more does he want." I said taking a sip from my bottle still feeling Felix's overwhelming stare on me. "I'll be right back." I said to the girls as I got up to go get my phone from Sofia's room.

I pushed open the door and scanned the bed for my phone before locating it under a pillow, I closed the door behind me as I exited the room turning around to be met with Felix standing by his study room door."can we talk... in here" he said opening his study room door wider.

I bit my lip as I made my way towards him as he held the door open staring at me with no emotion on his face. I passed by him letting his scent engulf me while his cold demeanor sent chills down my back. He gestured for me to take a sit so I did clearing my throat in the process trying to ease the tension that was around us.

"How long." Was the first thing that came out of his mouth as he turned my chair towards him and leaned down his breath fanning my lips, "uh... huh." I said wondering what he meant "how long did he make you suffer." At that my body stiffened, I knew what he meant and I was not even willing to start debunking trauma with him just yet.

"Sofia told you." I asked feeling overwhelmed because it was my story to tell, "no I overheard you... arguing outside." He cleared up the misunderstanding I almost had. I quickly got out of my chair not wanting to discuss anything about this with him but before I had a chance to open the door I was pulled back and set onto his table with him between my legs and his hands on either side of me trapping me.

             "What the fu-." I didn't have a chance to finish my sentence before I felt his lips brush against mine causing my breath to hitch while his grey eyes bore into my soul, he pulled back a bit "now that you're calmer please just tell me about him." I sighed, thinking about it then deciding to tell him everything.

"Rick was my first ever boyfriend I was new to the whole dating thing and I didn't know how I was suppose to be treated and let him treat me how he wanted." He squeezed my hand encouraging me to continue.

"At first it was all sweet he was kind and caring made me feel special but then he changed started being distant and always saying bad words about my body." I said as I wiped a tear that slipped .

"Then one day when I told him how bad he had hurt me with the stuff he did and said he got angry and left, later that day he cheated on me and when I confronted him about it he hit me. It went on for about a month until I ended up in the hospital, that was the day I packed up my stuff and left." I said as he wiped my tears, I could see his jaw clench and unclench as he continued then suddenly he got up and left.


Time skip

           After I told Felix about everything he just took off without a word, maybe he didn't want to be with me anymore after finding out about my abuse of a relationship I buried my head deep into his pillows taking in his scent that was all over this room. I shuffled to the other side when I head the door jiggle, i watched him walk towards me and sit at the foot of his bed in front of me I was prepared for his rejection.

             "I want you to move in with me." Was the first thing out his mouth. "Wait-what" I asked not believing what he just said, "will you move in with me." He whispered into my ear.

"Why." I asked staring wide eyed at him, "because I want you closer to me where I can protect you and stop from him getting anywhere near you." He said as he caressed my cheek.

Felix pov

I wanted evie closer to me after my men informed that Rick fled the scene when the tried to apprehend him.

I made my way downstairs to go have a chart with fifi and to let her know her best friend would be moving in with me, "Sofia, can I talk to you for a bit." I said as I settled in next to her on the couch "yeah what's up." She said as she put her phone down "I wanted to talk to you about Evie... and Rick." I saw her visibly tense up after I mentioned his name.

"You don't have to worry I already know everything Evie told me" I said trying to ease her doubts, "when she told me about the abuse and beatings I got so angry that I sent some of my men to find him but as the where trying to capture him he fled and given what happened yesterday at her apartment I think it would be best for her to come stay with me." She stared at me before blinking.

"Isn't she already staying here." She asked confusion lacing her features "no I mean I want her to move in with me at pine state." I said making it clear "what about mum you know how she always wants you next to her where she can watch you." She said gesturing to mum in the kitchen "well mum has to learn to accept that I'm adult now and she knows I already moved out I only come stay here for her but now I'm really ready to settle."

"If you say so but are you sure... she'll be s-safe." Sofia said with teary eyes "I know she hides it well but the man really broke her and left her numb." I hugged her as she sniffled wiping her face .

I made my way towards the kitchen after talking to Sofia and assuring her that nothing would happen to Evie, I took a sit in front of my mother ready to tell her my decision... well here goes nothing.



Sorry for the late updates just been busy but I hope you like it.😘

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