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Suzumee Pov:

It was 6 o'clock in the evening. I walked through the streets of Seoul on my way home. Everything was quiet and there were hardly any people on the road. I was lost in my mind when I suddenly saw a young man who seemed somehow familiar to me. I was thinking about how I could know him when he suddenly turned around. My eyes widened and my heart began to beat faster. Just a few meters away stood Jungkook!!! Jeon Jungkook!!!! He was the youngest member of my favorite boy band BTS and also my bias.

'What in the world was he doing here?!' I have been living here in Seoul for a year and would NEVER have thought to meet him sometime.
I thought about whether I should address him, but he had already noticed me and waved to me.

Jeon Jungkook waves to ME!!! When he came towards me, I completely panicked. 'Help, he's coming to me! What am I going to do now?!'

"Hi," he just said and I completely freaked out inside. 'OMG, Jungkook just said "Hi" to me!!!! To ME!!!'

"H-hi, what's up?" I asked. 'Shit, how stupid did that sound?!'
"Not much. And with you?"
"Not much either," I answered nervously.
'Okay Suzumee pull yourself together, everything will-'

"What's your name?" He interrupted my thoughts.
"Um...Suzumee, my name is Suzumee." 'Okay, just take it easy-'
"Nice name," he said and smiled at me. 'OMG, he thinks my name is beautiful!!!!! And he smiled at me!!!!!'

"ARMY right?" He asked and I just nodded silently. That's all I could do right now.
"Do you want to do something crazy?" He suddenly asked me.
"Uuuh, what?" I stammered.

He went back a few steps. Oh, you shit! What is he up to now?!' I thought nervously.
"I count to three and then you jump into my arms okay?"


My first chapter! 🥳
I hope you like the story so far - as I said, it's my first
I try to update regularly - please don't be angry with me if it doesn't work out

Btw what do you think will happen next?

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