Round 1

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Freen taught her daughter English and Thai at home, apart from drawing, painting and much more.

However, the Thai enrolled her child in a nursery school at the age of 3 because she wanted Lily to have a social circle.

The brunette suffered to let her kid leave home because they were attached to the hips.

Despite the struggle, the artist loved watching her little one speaking with enthusiasm about her exciting mornings.

They still kept a domestic routine in which either the mother, Maggie or Bob would pick the girl at school.

Freen spent her mornings at the store and flower shop and would usually help the Armstrongs to do groceries or take care of their garden in the afternoon twice a week.

The young woman kept her child under her eyes and Lily liked to play ball with her Great-grandad and run around with Fluffy.

The 3-year-old also enjoyed watching Maggie cook.

The elders loved how talkative and tiny one could be most of the time.

The house was always filled with life just because of her personality, even though she also had a calmer side.

Freen rarely watched TV, which became the pattern in the house.

Most of the time, Lily would ask her mom to read her a fairytale or to come up with a new plot for her.

They also played several games together and chatted about anything.

The brunette’s favorite moments were when her baby would get all clingy and fall asleep in her arms or sit on her lap anywhere they were, just for the physical contact.

Lily was also extremely attached to her grandmas Nun and Rawee. And since the two women couldn’t fly to England more than 4 times a year, they were constantly in contact through video calls.

One of Freen’s biggest satisfactions was that her daughter had little to zero interest in technology.

The 3-year-old didn’t care about computers, smartphones and such things.

Sarocha never tried to manipulate her child. However, Lily had fun all day every day with old school toys and creative activities.

Bob, who used to be a carpenter when he was in his 20s, was practicing his skills by making things for the cute girl, like a horse swing.

When Lily turned 4, she asked to have swimming classes and Freen enrolled both of them at the club where she already practiced pilates.

After that, the brunette realized her child also needed more contact with the nature and started taking her to the beach and the mountains once a month.

In September, the tiny one joined a kindergarten group with 10 other children and she went back home with her eyes filled with sparkles.

The 31-year-old laughed and confessed to Maggie she was slightly jealous of her child.

Lily developed an adoration for her school teacher and that was the first time the actress had to share the girl’s affection with someone outside their circle.

The elder giggled and said she never stopped being jealous of her son.

Tearing up, the dark-haired female thanked the old lady for listening and keeping things real.

Mrs. Armstrong kissed the actress’ forehead and declared:

__ You and Lily brought vitality to my husband and I. Your presence re-signified our lives. Of course, we understand Robin needed to follow his own path. And we’re glad Raween helped him build an empire and a sweet family. But we are old and loneliness doesn’t listen to rationality.

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