Phi Lily

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The couple went back home and drove to Nun's place to pick Lily up.

Freen's mother warned her they went viral on Facebook (the social media she used) and each and every online page related to the news.

Confused, the 33-year-old waited until they went back to their villa and logged on to the former Twitter because she knew every gossip spread there.

Her jaw dropped the second she saw the picture the paparazzi took on the Yacht.

__ Bec...__ The artist called her wife.

The Thai-British, who was practicing piano with their daughter, walked toward her lover.

__ What is it, babe?

Laughing, she showed the phone screen and commented:

__ I guess I spoke too soon about going viral doing you.

Widening her eyes, Becky struggled to keep the tone down. After all, she didn't want to worry Lily.

__ Shit! Should I call our lawyer? What to do?

The dark-haired one pulled her woman closer and rested her face on her flat stomach.

__ Let's ignore it. It won't affect us.

__ But... You are almost naked! They certainly have a picture of your tits. What if they sell it?__ The 29-year-old exhaled.

Freen kissed the younger one's skin and smiled.

__ Nevermind. People will be more focused on the fact we were doing it. And these are pretty hot boobs. Not gonna be ashamed.

The brown-haired one pouted:

__ But they're mine, teerak! Plus, I can't stand the idea of you being disrespected again.

The pregnant woman beamed and declared:

__ I'm all yours! Each part of me. Babe, you know how conservative I used to be. So if I say I don't care about this picture, I mean it. Life is too short. Let's continue living our best moments with those we love.

The beautiful actress hugged her wife and kissed her forehead.

__ OK. It's the best approach. Do you need anything, babe? Some fruit? A sandwich?

__ Nah, I'm good. You can keep practicing with our penguin.

They exchanged a soft peck, and Freen went to the yard to spend some time with their dogs.

Bob joined her and they chatted about random things, like they used to do in England.

Not long after, Maggie brought them some cookies, and the brunette complained about the temptations.

The couple laughed because their friend didn't wait an entire minute to eat some, despite saying she shouldn't.

They lost track of time. Until Lily came and said:

__ Mummy, it's getting late. Want me to shower with you? I can help wash your feet and back.

Emotional, the brunette exchanged a look with the Armstrongs and murmured:

__ My baby is growing so fast! She is determined to be the best Phi. And look at her, taking care of her Mummy!

__ Don't cry, Mummy. I'll always be your baby. Now let's go.__ The 7-year-old child held the adult's hand and gently pushed her.

Maggie smiled and commented:

__ I feel that our tiny one is already a great Phi. The twins are lucky.

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