Unlucky Strike

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(Alice's POV)

Kenta, Sasuke and I were walking around the shopping area. I'm wearing my frilly blue sun dress. My hair is pushed back with a red bow. Kenta, with his black fedora, red button up shirt, and black jeans. As for Sasuke, he's wearing dark clothes and combat boots.

I roll my eyes at their sense of fashion, but who cares! I just want to explore the mall and get lost in it maybe.

It might not be a good idea with them, but I love it anyways.

Kenta sighs. "Do we have to go to the mall? I could be playing poker at the Gredelle's Bar!"

I puff out my cheeks. "Are you even old enough to go?"

"Yes!" He responds, but then has this questioning look. "18 and up....right?" He looks over at Sasuke.

"You're hopeless..." I respond before Sasuke had a chance to. I skip around the mall and see a Forever21 shop at the end of the hall.

I turn around and see that Kenta and Sasuke are going into the arcade that we passed a while ago. I shrug. They have the connection. It'll be fine!

I walk into Forever21 and spot a sign that mentioned a huge sale upstairs. Jumping with glee I run upstairs. I push the crowd out of the way. The crowd is too strong!

Guess I'll have to go find Kenta and Sasuke and call it quits. I walk down the stairs and stop.

Kenta, Sasuke, can we head out now? I'm bored....

No response.

Did they got called by Ciel? Does she need to get more money for the club?

"Oh look~!"

I turn around and see a woman with white short hair and fox ears. Her blue kimono blows with the red flames that surrounds her. Two white foxes stand next to her.

"A Shugo Chara. Want to tell me where Ciel Nakamura is?" She smirks as the foxes start to surround me. My mind tells me to run, but my body shakes and my feet can't move.

"N-N-NO!" I yelled and close my eyes. Big macaroons pop out of thin air and land around me. Like a shield.

The lady's flames swarm around the macaroon shield. I bend down and cover my ears. This can't be happening! How did they know that they can get us separately?!

Alice?! Where are you?! Kenta's voice rings in our connection.

"Near Forever21!" I answered. I scream as the flames touch my body.

Is this the end? I slowly look up from my burnt hair, and see the foxes glaring down at me. I try to get up, but more flames swarm around me like a cage.

"Maybe she'll come if I kill one of you." The lady snaps her fingers. The foxes walk around me, waiting for me to make a move and finish me off.

I close my eyes. Ciel, I won't be able to be here for your dream....Please make your life a beautiful one, a free one.

The foxes attack me and I can feel the flames burn Ciel's wish to be free with curiosity. From the corner of my eye I see Kenta and Sasuke running over to me. I smile sadly. They're fighters, I'm not.

A small white door is in my sight. Is that Ciel's True self place? I'm curious to find out. I reach out and touch it.

(Kenta's POV)

"NO!" I scream as I see Alice's body disappear. No! We just saw her! It's that chicks fault!

I take out my guns.

Sasuke puts out his hand if front of me. "What the hell! She f*cking killed Alice and you're stopping me?!"

A black smoke forms around me and Sasuke. Then it reaches the lady that killed Alice and the foxes.

"We need to cover our tracks better..." He take out his ninja stars.

I growl as I see that the lady doesn't make a reaction to us. "Well, let's kill these X Monsters and that True X Character."

Sasuke nods. I shoot at the foxes, but they dodge. Crap! I activate some of Ciel's power with mine. I feel Ciel's self connects with mine. Crap! I only needed a little bit!

Kenta? What's going on? Ciel sounds worried. I don't feel Alice anymore!

I bite my lip from yelling at her. Control your temper. "She's gone..." I whisper.

...Let's kill this True X Character. Ciel demands.

I smile. "Ready?"

I should be asking you that.

"My Heart Chained, Lucky Strike!" We said. "I'll steal your heart like I'm a robber!"

Electricity forms around us. Our eyes glow bright yellow. "Ready Sasuke?"

Sasuke looks beat up, but he got the two X Monster foxes down. "Took you long enough, Ciel-sama."

"Dude, I'm in control right now." I point my gun at the lady. "Whatever time for you to meet death."

The lady quickly grabs Sasuke in his weakest moments. "Are you sure about that?"

My guns still point at her head. "Yeah."

"Kenta." Sasuke coughs. "You have to hit her heart."

I widen my eyes in shock. Both from what he said and how weak he looks. He never looks weak.

"I can't do that!" Ciel takes over. "I can't loose you to!"

"Oh you're loosing more of your Shugo Charas as we speak!" The lady chuckles. "You think it's just me?"

"Kenta take over and do it now! You need to warn the others!" Sasuke spoke more than I'm used to. He's serious.

"I'm sorry Ciel..." I said as I take over and shoot two bolts at Sasuke and the lady. It goes through both of them in a blink of an eye. I let Ciel take over.

"You IDIOT!" Ciel walks us over to Sasuke. "Why did you let him do it?! You could have evaded that attack!"

Sasuke smiles a little. "After beating two X monsters without you? Fat chance."

Tears fall from my face onto Sasuke's. "I should have been here sooner. I could have split my power to you."

"Not in your condition, Ciel-sama." Sasuke sighs. "You could die from doing that."

I shake my head. "Dude, I can't loose you. I still need to teach you how to play poker and you need to teach how to use those ninja stars!"

"Sorry my dear friend. It's time for me to go to Ciel's True self place now." Sasuke closes his eyes. His Shugo Chara self disappears. Like Alice....Oh god Alice.

"My Heart, Broken." We cancel our Character Change.

"I'll steal your heart like I'm a robber...but it hurts on both sides. Even to my dearest friends."

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