Pervy Kitty has His Moments

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I turn off the shower and grab my towel. It seemed very late so no one should be awake. Wouldn't hurt to grab some strawberry milk and then come back to my room.

I sneak out of the bathroom to drop of my clothes in my room and then went downstairs to get a bottle of strawberry milk. I dash up the stairs and ran in my room. "Made it!" I fist pump the air in victory.

I uncap my bottle and walk out to the balcony. Tonight seemed like the stars were out to party. Showing their brightest light to the world. I take a sip of my cold strawberry milk. Man did it taste good after showers!

I close my eyes and feel a small wind pass by.

"You seem to be up." Wait, a minute. That voice, it couldn't be?!

I open my eyes to see Ikuto in front of me with a smirk on his lips. Yoru pops out and starts drinking my milk! He then gives it to Ikuto.

"Hey! That's mine!" I hold onto my towel as I reach for my strawberry milk.

Ikuto thought it would be funny if he brings it higher. Well it's not!

"Not until you tell me why your in Amu's room." He demands.

I paled a little. Crap! I totally forgot for a second that we were in front of her room! I lean against the railing and look around. No one in sight. I grab Ikuto and bring him inside. I think Yoru invited himself in and slept somewhere.

I close the windowed doors and point at him. "You should stay out of my business!"

He chuckles as he points at his right ear. I look at it and notice my blue diamond stud on it!

"I can't forget you, but I'll let you do what you want in this household."

"Finally! Now get out!" I push him towards the balcony.

"If you let me stay over every night when you're here." Ikuto pushes me onto the bed. He licks his lips. "You look cute in a towel..."

Why didn't I change in the bathroom?! I blush and hug the towel closer to my body. "You won't poke into my business?" I asked.

"Hn," Ikuto then gets off of my body. "Go change."

I get up and pick up my close. Before I did anything I turned around to see that Ikuto was giving me some privacy. I glare at him and puff my cheeks. "You better not peek pervy kitty..."

"I promise." He picks up Juro and plays with him.

I quickly change into my undergarments and then into my poofy cream dress. I turn around and see Ikuto smirking at me while holding Juro. "Victoria Secrete?"

I can feel my whole body warm up, blushing. "YOU LOOKED!"

Ikuto laughs. "Nope! Just a guess."

He grabs my arms and brings me close to him. Half of my body was on his lap and the the bottom half was on the floor. I blush at our position. "Pervert..."

Ikuto chuckles and brings up Juro. "I know this isn't Amu's, so it must be yours."

"Hai, that's the only thing my parents gave me before they changed..." I get off his lap and lay down on the ugly pink bed. The bed shifts a little later. Slowly I see Ikuto laying next to me. His deep dark blue eyes stares at my ocean blue eyes.

Ikuto puts Juro in between us. "Tell Mister Bear all about your problems." He tries to make Juro talk.

I bite my lip to make my laugh go back, but that didn't help. I laugh. It even hurts my stomach. Ikuto chuckles and wraps his arms around me.

I stop and stare at his eyes again. "The teddy bear's name is Juro." I take Juro away from Ikuto and place him near a pillow. I then lay back to see Ikuto frown. "Also I don't want to talk about my problems. If I do it's when I fully trust you."

I sneeze and touch my hair. It was still wet from the shower. The bed moves up and Ikuto grabs the towel that I used. I sit up to give him a weird look. What is he doing?

Ikuto throws the towel over my head and starts rubbing my hair with it. I frantically move my hands to find him, but to him I bet is a game.

"Where the heck are you?!" Ikuto's arms then wraps around my waist.

"Right here." I felt him kiss my neck. Along with more kisses on my neck.

I blush. I felt my heart speed up. This is hurting my heart! I grab the towel off my head and wrap it around Ikuto's neck. I pull and bring his face towards mine. His face looks a little bewildered.

I panted to bring my heart back in neutral. But then Ikuto grabs my back and crashes our lips together.

My eyes bulge from the kiss, but slowly close. Our lips felt like they matched. Just like the prefect key for a lock. I've never kissed anyone like this before...

Wait, pull yourself together!

I push Ikuto back and glare at him. "Why me? You already have Amu, the dumb lolli!" I grip the blanket underneath me. I look down and close my eyes to prevent any tears to come. "You just met me today! I'm will soon find out I'm nothing but a villain..."

"No family, just a home." I dare not look up. "Not even a good life..."

I felt Ikuto's hands touch mine. His fingers slowly move mine to loose my grip. He brings them up and lets them touch his cheeks. Ikuto lets go of my hands and then touches my cheeks.

Even his hands are warm.

"I'll warm your cold soul. For every night or day I meet you. You amuse me in many ways Amu can't." Ikuto leans in and touches his forehead against mine. His eyes doesn't even wander around the room. Instead he stares straight at me. "Sooner or later, will you open your heart up to me?"

I cried a little, but nod to his answer.

Ikuto brings me into a hug. Pat on my back as I continue to let go of my sadness.

"Why do you make me feel like this?" I asked in between my rambles of tears.

"Because I care about you a little..."

I laugh. "Seems like you don't care."

Ikuto chuckles. "It seems I have to open my heart to you's only time."

I wipe my tears away and smiled. Ar eal smile. "Let's go to sleep."

"Sure." He smiles back. No smirk, but a smile.

Ikuto pulls the blanket over us. He then wraps his arm around me. "I'm surprised you didn't force me to sleep on the floor."

I shake my head to get the blush to go away. "I wouldn't want you to hurt your back."

"Funny, Amu makes me sleep half on the bed." Ikuto brushes a my bangs back behind my ear. "You're letting your heart open a little huh?"

"Well that's harsh about the Amu part. Also yeah...slowly..." I trailed off and flutter my eyes from tiredness. Letting out a small yawn, I pat Ikuto's cheek childishly. "Night~."

Before I went to my deep slumber, Ikuto kisses my forehead. "Good night, Ciel..."

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