Our Last Notes

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Author's Note: I love this video and the song! So give some love to him! ;3

(Punkuta's POV)

You have go to be kidding me...I'm wearing Tina's clothes, because apparently mine are 'not appropriate' for her big contract meeting. The huge question is, why am I needed?

"Ciel wants us to have more 'bonding time', since we only get together to create songs." Tina straightens her cream and pink dress.

"And this," I point at a music company building we are standing in front of. "Counts as bonding?"

Tina puffs her cheeks out. "Well after the contract meeting!"

She drags me inside against my own will. "You know I could stay in lobby and wait..." She continues to drag me into the elevator.

"People would recognize you and ask you allot of question about your punk band." Tina folds her arms and leans against the elevator's walls.

I point at her. "Rock, get it right."

"They're the same."

"It's like you're saying that blues is the same as jazz."

"They're not!"

"Exactly! So don't assume rock and punk are the same. Punk is a style. Which I like to wear by the way, not this." I point at the frilly blue dotted dress I'm wearing.

Tina gives me a clueless look. "What's wrong with it? I think it looks nice on you, brightens up your character."

"GAH!" I pull my hair a little.

The elevator dings. Tina looks at the floor number and then goes to the elevators buttons. "That's weird, it's not this floor."

I fold my arms grumpily and lean in the corner of the elevator. "Someone wants to get on, duh..."

The elevator doors open. No one was there. Weird. I walk out of the elevator and look up and down the hallway. "No one."

"We're on the performance hall floor." Tina said as she repeatedly pushes the top floor. The door doesn't close.

"Must be broken, get out of the elevator. Don't want to risk it." I take her arm and take her out of the soon to be death trap. I walk us over to the stairway's. I try to open the door that leads to it, but it won't budge. "What the hell?"

I slam into the door three times. It still didn't budge! Now I have a slightly bruised arm.

"Let me call the CEO." Tina takes out her phone. "Great! No service..."

A horrible feeling hits me.


Her Shugo Chara self is gone.

"Did you feel that?" Tina whispers.

I then remember the girl that attacked Ciel back then inside the castle club. I ticked. "It must be one of those X True Characters."

Tina looks hurt. I give her a questioning look. "Sasuke's hurt!"

"Shit! We're getting killed, one by one..." I said and then a huge screeching sound echoes. It's small, but from my abilities I can hear it. "It's here."

"The performance hall." I slowly walk to the door.

Tina gives me a look. "Are you nuts?! We need to wait for Ciel!"

"Ciel can only split her powers with Rade and Masku."

"Well we are similar right?" Tina asked.

"This again...." I growled. I open the doors and see a girl with crazy green hair with yellow highlights. Her dress is fancy, but looks tattered. The girl's eyes are widened, like she was possessed.

"They didn't accept me, ME! Nancy the girl with a beautiful bird voice!" She screeched. The boards on the stage form into huge wooden birds with flute holes on it's back. Their beaks are open and shaped more like speakers. With a huge black x on their chest.

I smirk. Oh this is going to be fun. "All I hear is screeches of broken guitar. Trust me yours has got to be the worst."

Tina throws her arms in the air. "You had to say that!"

"I'll show you!" Nancy screams.

"Let's try that theory Tina." I take some of Ciel's powers. Good thing I didn't drag her. "My Heart, Chained!" Tina and I chanted.

"Lovely Dizzy!" Tina said and makes a heart shape with her hands.

"Lovely Devils!" I make an 'x' with my hands.

Pink music notes flow out of Tina's chest. "Let's make our first sounds together for love~!"

Black music notes flow out of my chest. "Let's make our first sounds together for hate!"

We face each other and hold hands in front of each other. Our music notes formed our clothes and I got a black electric guitar, while Tina got a pink piano guitar.

I'm wearing black shorts, glowing blue neon belt, glowing blue neon suspenders, a black strapless bra, leather dark blue jacket, and black combat boots. I summon a pair of black fingerless gloves, just to bring it all in.

As for Tina....her red dress is too frilly. Not really my taste.

I smirk evilly at Nancy. "You ready to be crushed by real singers?"

"GET THEM MY PRETTIES!" Nancy screeches and the wooden birds dive towards us.

I start playing 'Miss Jackson' by Panic! At The Disco. The notes form into a black tornado from the notes that I play. In the middle of the song I amped it up and the tornado breaks all the birds apart.

Tina looked like she was struggling. Crap! Her music isn't loud enough!

"Take my power!" Tina yells over to me over the sound of me playing.

I look at her in shock. "Are you crazy?!"

She just smiles. "It's okay." She stops playing her piano guitar. "I'll always be with you, sis."

Her Character Change, all of it, is forced into me and I jump in the air with the last few notes to finish off the song. I land with the last note and my power boomed to kill both the True X Character and her X Monsters are gone.

I run over to Tina and hold her hand. Her eyes are dim, she's disappearing. "Why call me a sister now? We always fight and yeah, there are some good things that come out." I move her long red hair away from her face. "But never were we close."

"Of course we are, we were born on the same day." She whispers. "Our music is totally different, but our passion is the same."

"My Heart, Broken." My whole body shakes as I try to collect myself. Tears plop down onto her face. "Let's make," I gulped in my shaky voice. I don't think my voice can be this shaky. "Let's make our first songs for hatred."

"And love." Tina smiles a little.

"Even though they're different, the passion will forever be strong." We ended and I transform out of my Character Change. As for Tina I see her disappearing in my hands.

"Goodbye, my dear sister." I whispered.

Rage filled me in. I'll kill those True X Characters. I won't leave a single one behind.

I scream in rage to fill the room full of my soon to be revenge.

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