Sing till Your Heart Breaks

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*Punkuta's POV*

The incident about X Monsters was only month ago. The Guardians understood Ciel's goal and left her alone. Though Amu sure is still annoying. She keeps bothering Ciel about our goal.


I turn to look at my fellow band members of Eternal Fantasy. A punk girl group that I joined. They were playing some awesome music, but they didn't have a singer and needed a guitar player. So I joined them and we became a very well known underground group.

The drum player is blind and yet she still surprises me. Lucia Fyler, doesn't need a cane. But she does sometimes uses her helping dog. Her dog is a golden retriever named Sally. 

Lucia has reddish brown hair that  reaches slightly under her chin. She sometimes wear her favorite gold bell around her neck. Said it was good luck.

Now for the other girl, she's a DJ and the pianist of our group. Her name is Shelby Remington and she has pink hair like that cotton candy and her eyes are sharp cyan blue. She always have her headsets around her neck. Shelby has too many for me to even bother to count.

I sigh and recall back to when Ciel made me. To be rebellious and speak out how she feels. No holding back.

"Sup?" I asked. Lucia was the one that called me.

"We ready for the next concert? I know it'll be hard to do a cover of one of the best." She smiles a little sadly for my taste.

"It's fine, it's what the fan requested last time. We're Eternal Fantasy, we don't disappoint." I said and lift my guitar bag over my leather jacket.

Our concert starts in about an hour. So we had our outfits already on.

"We need to get a base player soon though." Shelby lifts her box of her carry-on equipment. We start walking to the door leading to the underground. "It'll bring a whole new level to our music."

I laugh. "Yeah where? I think we are awesome!"

"Last time we played, we got a few bad reviews. We need more if we want to get onto the big stage!" Shelby flicks my forehead.

I rub my sore forehead and growl at the tiny pain. 

We walk down the stairs and go take the path that leads to the back of the stage. 

It's a full house! I smile. Can't wait to rock out again!

A small ringtone fills the room, making all of us stop getting ready. It was Paper Moon from Soul Eater. It's also my phone. 

I flipped my cherry red phone open and put it to my right ear. "What?"

"Punkuta, I do hope you are one board with our idea." Matsuto sighs on the other end of the line.

I frown. "The Wonderland thing right?" I close my eyes and sigh. "Well sorry to give you another day of let down, but I have fans to make happy."

"You need to pull yourself together. Ciel has sacrificed her health to give us all bodies at the moment."

That does it!


Shelby and Lucia slowly leaves the room from the corner of my eye as I take a few deep breaths.

"You wouldn't have been born without her." Matsuto's voice sounds dark. "Never forget that."

I widen my eyes in shock. My grip is slowly losing it on the phone.

It drops and hits the floor three times.

How can I be so selfish. Ciel, please forgive me.

"Eternal Fantasy! Are you guys ready?" The sound check guy asked.

I quickly wipe my tears away. I stare at him. "We're just doing one song."

"What?! Are you-"

"I don't have time for a full, I'm sorry but I have a little sister that it's in trouble." I bow. "Please let this slide once."

*After One song* (A/N: The song in the video, check them out! Enteral Fantasy just did a cover of them in this story)

I wave good bye to Lucia and Shelby. After explaining about Ciel, they totally understood and said that next time we meet would be picking a base player.

I run back to the school grounds.

Ciel has been in bed for a week.

A thought popped in my head at how to make Ciel's bed ridden days slightly better.

Walking into Wonderland, which is a huge place with trees. So mostly a forest with cottage like rooms.

A familiar pink head shortie was trying to lead away a student. I stand in front of them. "Hey, you kids got appointments?"

"Um we do, with 'Tweedle Lee Do'." A girl said holding her acoustic guitar.

I smile. "Well nice to meet you! Sorry for being late, had a small concert to perform at."

"Wait are you Amarante Punkuta?!"  The middle schooler girl asked with a huge gleam in her eyes.

"Yep. I'll personally teach you next time. Will that be okay?" I asked. Holding up a DVD box up. "I got to catch up with some of my old friends."

"Sure!" The girl smiles.

I take my calling card from her and sign my name and date of the meeting. "Just give this to Cheshire, she'll understand." 

The girl squeaks and runs away. I smile, but it drops when I see the Amu chick that tried to make my client get away. "Who allow you in here?"

"I came because I still need a meeting with Nakumuri-chan." Amu folds her arms.

Looks like someone had too much confidence in their cereal.

"You meant the Red Queen right? Well she's still on her break." I point at the palace at the end of the forest.

"It's been a week! How much longer will it take?!" Amu throws her arms in the air.

And the confidence didn't stay long. Man do I miss it! I laugh. "Well later." 

I walk away and into the palace. Rade and Masku stopped Amu from entering. 

From the directions from the beginning of this Wonderland, I remembered where Ciel's bedroom is.

I open the door to see Ciel reading a Shingeki No Kyojin manga. I smirk. "How's that bloody manga going?"

"Amazing." Ciel sets it down next to her on the bed. "You wanted something? I thought you had a huge concert to do."

Shrugging, I closed the door as I entered the room . "It got cut short."

The bed's silk blanket almost made me slip, but I caught myself.

Ciel laughs, "So?"

"Supernatural marathon?" I lift up the said show box in my hand.

Ciel smiles wide.

"Never question Supernatural."

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