A Giant Day

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Hello there, my name is Bruno Sazzione and I am dead.

Right, I should explain that and I will, but first a warning. If you're reading this because you like fanfictions, myths and you're here just for a good time, then I'm happy for you. But if you're reading this and you start to have a tingling sensation, the feeling that's something is familiar, close this app, unnistall it and forget about all of this. The more you know the easier is for them to find you and you may not be as lucky as I was. You have been warned.

Now that I said that, come with me through the magical wardrobe to the place my story started. University.

I was sitting in a class at the University of Boston wishing I didn't have to be there. Now, don't get me wrong I was studying what I liked: Photography and I loved it, everything about it; the different type of lenses, the way to achieve color with a digital camera, the polaroid. I loved it all, today it was a rainy day though, one of those days where the weather itself is telling you to stay at home and do nothing.

Well, I didn't have a home, I had been living at the University's campus for two years, ever since I moved from my homeland Argentina.

My family wasn't wealthy, we were a middle class family, though sometimes we struggled to get to the end of the month, all depended on the government, inflation and taxes. Anyway, I was lucky enough to win a few photography contests, I earned some money and after showing the pictures to other universities I draw the attention in Boston and there I was.

Like I said, I have been living here for two years and let me tell you I still couldn't comprehend many things, most importantly; how could the people of the US (I refuse to call them Americans when the continent is America) managed to live their day with only three meals, I mean. Where's the merienda? Sorry, I'm going off the rails.

While the professor was explaining how to properly take a picture in black and white, I was drawing, if you could call it that, anything I could come up with to pass the time when I catch something from the corner of my eye. It was a blue thing that didn't fit with the city landscapes visible from the window next to me, but when I turned to have a better look. it was gone.

'Well' - I thought - 'I'm going slightly mad. No surprises there.'

Thanks to the window's reflection I saw myself, I didn't liked to do that. I was tall, quite skinny and pale. My light brown hair that was darker whenever it wanted, showed signs that I had tried to combed it without much success. Then there was my face, but let's not get there or I'll start rambling again. The only thing I liked about me, were my eyes: they were blue and changed depending on the day, on a suny day they had light blue mixed with their normal blue. And on cloudy days (like this one) they had grey, making it seem like there was a storm brewing inside.

The bell rang, taking me out of my thoughts and the entire class started to pack their things and left in a rush to the beloved luch break. I packed my things too and went out to buy something to eat, I couldn't stand the food they served at the University, it was awful, like the school food from that Doctor Who episode.

After I bought a sandwich I went to my dorm, where I found my only friend, my bestfriend Nico.

Nico was a tall kid, with brown hair and a hollowed cheeks, he was also skinnier than I was. Just like me he wasn't from the US, he was Australian, something he was proud of and he would make sure everyone knew that. An idiot who knew he was Australian, called him American because of his accent and Nico sent him to sleep with one punch.

"Bruno. How are you? Professor Beans gave you homework?" - Said my friend with a smile and sitting in the only chair in the room.

"Nah, he didn't." - I said while sitting on the floor - "He probably was going to, but the bell saved us all."

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