Shadow of History

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No one told me the sign Hearthstone did.

Blitzen led us down the Esplanade, where a pier extended into an icy lagoon. At the base of the dock, a candy-striped pole listed sideways.

"This is where they do gondola rides in the summer." - Magnus said - "I don't think you're going to find one now."

"We just need water." - Blitzen sat on the dock and unzipped the bowling bag.

"¿Qué es eso? (What is that?)" - I peered inside - "Pelo?"

"What?" - Blitzen asked.

"Ah, cierto. (Oh, right)" - I facepalmed - "Is it hair?"

"Hair, yes." - Blitzen said - "Just not human."

"You mean..." - Sam pressed her hand to her stomach - "You're not serious. You work for him? You brought him here?"

"He insisted." - Blitzen pushed down the sides of the bag, revealing a severed head.

The worst thing about that? After seeing pictures of war bodies at class, I wasn't surprised.

The beheaded man's face was shrivelled like an old, half-eaten plum. Tufts of rust-coloured hair clung to his scalp. His closed eyes were sunken and dark. His bearded jaw protruded bulldoy style, revealing a crooked row of bottom teeth.

Blitzen unceremoniously shoved the head in the water, bag and all.

"Dude." - Magnus said - "The state river authority isn't going to like that."

The head bobbed on the surface of the lagoon. The water around it bubbled and swirled. The man's face inflated, his wrinkles softening, his skin turning pink. He opened his eyes.

Sam and Hearthstone both knelt. Sam elbowed Magnus to do the same. I was out of her reach, so she threw a pointed glare at me. I didn't knelt.

"Lord Mimir." - Sam said - "You honour us."

The head opened his mouth and spewed water. More came out of his nostrils, his ears, his tear ducts. It was like a multi-tap.

"Man, I hate..." - The head coughed more water. His eyes turned from chalk white to blue - "I hate travelling in that bag."

"Sorry, Capo." - Blitzen bowed - "It was that or the fish tank. And the fish tank breaks easily."

The head gurgled. He scanned the faces on the dock until he found me and Magnus.

"Son of Frey. Son of Ullr. I've come a long way to speak to you both. Hope you two appreciate it."

"Yeah... we do." - I said looking unsure at the god.

"You're the mysterious classified boss." - Magnus said - "Hearth and Blitz have been watching me for two years... Because they got orders from a severed head?"

"Show some respect, boyo." - Mimir's voice reminded me of a compulsive smoker - "That goes for you too." - he added looking at me.

I raised my eyebrows and knelt, sighing.

"I am Mimir." - the head said - "Once I was mighty among the Aesir. Then came the war with the Vanir. Now I got my own operation."

His face was so ugly it was hard to tell wheter he was giving us an ugly look.

"Did Frey cut off your head?" - Magnus asked - "Is that why you're mad at me?"

"I'm not mad." - Mimir huffed - "You'll know when I'm mad."

Magnus looked like he wanted to make a snarky comment.

"Your dad was part of the reason I lost my head, though." - Mimir said - "See, as a part of the truce to end the war, the two godly tribes exchanged hostages. Your father, Frey, and his father, Njord, came to live in Asgard. The god Honir and I... we were sent to live in Vanaheim."

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