We Meet Jack

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We ran across the streets of Nidavellir, the dwarves chasing us like a swarm of angry bees.

Blitz lead us through the alleyways. Despite their short legs, the dwarves were keeping up. Screaming for blood, throwing drone darts, axes on fire, rocks that were probably famous among rocks.

"A horsefly?" - Magnus yelled at Sam, out of the blue - "You can turn into a horsefly?"

"Now is not the time!" - she ducked as a steam-powered dart buzzed over her head.

"Oh, excuse me. I should wait for the designated <<talk about turning into horseflies>> time!" - Magnus fired back.

"Both of you, shut up!" - I said turning around to look at them - "And... AH!"

The mob of thirty dwarves was getting closer. Their murderous expressions were enough to give me more adrenaline to run.

"This way!" - Blitzen ducked down an alley.

Unfortunately, Hearthstone wasn't watching. He barrelled straight ahead.

"Mother!" - Blitz cursed.

Well, I thought he was cursing until I reached the corner, with Sam and Magnus behind me, and the three of us faltered.

A few meters down the alley, Blitz was trapped in a net of light. He squirmed and cursed as the glowing web lifted him into the air.

"It's my mother!" - he yelped - "She wants her damnable rings. Go! Catch up with Hearthstone! I'll meet you-"

POP! The dwarf disappeared in a flash.

"Did that just happen?" - Magnus stared at where the net was.

"We've got other problems." - Sam pulled her axe.

The mob had caught up with us. They fanned out in an angry semicircle of beards, scowls, handcrafted objetcs and broadswords. I took off my ring and hefted my sword. From the back of the mob, I heard Junior's voice.

"Hold on!" - he wheezed - "I... kill... first!"

The dwarves parted. Flanked by his bodyguards, the old dwarf pushed his walker towards us.

I was surprised he managed to keep up.

Junior eyed Magnus, then me and then Sam.

"Where are Blitzen and the elf?" - the old dwarf muttered - "Well, no matter. We'll find them. You, son of Frey, I don't care about so much. Run now and I might let you live. The girl is obviously a daughter of Loki. She bit me and ruined my crafting! She fucking dies. And so will you, boy, you tried to tarnish my reputation with your shitty words. You're probably her brother. You will die too!"

"He's not my brother." - Sam said disgusted.

Magnus pulled off his pendant. The Sword of Summer grew to full length. The crowd of dwarves edged backwards. I guess they knew a dangerous blade when they saw one.

"I'm not going anywhere." - Magnus said - "You'll have to take on all three of us."

Magnus glanced at his sword and looked at the mob.

"Correction." - he said - "You'll have to take on all four of us. This is Sumarbrander, the Sword of Summer, crafted by... actually I'm not sure, but it is definitely famous among swords, and it is about to kick your collective butts."

"Thank you." - the sword said.

Sam made a squeaking noise. The dwarves' expressions turned to shock. I nearly jumped three meters away from Magnus.

"Qué mierda?" (What the fuck?).

"You can talk." - Magnus held up the blade - "I mean... of course you can talk. You have many, uh, incredible abilities."

Journey of an Einherji - The Sword of SummerWhere stories live. Discover now