The Duel

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Thor was still snoring like a defective drill when we were ready to leave the next morning. That was saying something, after Sam fell asleep, Magnus reclaimed his sword and passed out instantly. I was surprised when he was one of the first to wake up.

Unlike my friends, I had barely slept. Between the snoring, the sounds of the night, and the oncoming duel, I was lucky that I slept two hours in a row. Surprisingly, the amount of nerves I was feeling was just like I felt before the final exams at the university. I wondered if not feeling more nervous, was a sign that I was losing my mind.

We packed up our gear and ate a cold breakfast of MORNING, MAGGOT! energy bars from Blitzen's supply bags. Then Hearthstone nestled the severed heads of the two dead goats in Thor's arms like teddy bears. Never let it be said that elves don't have a sense of humour.

"And to think that the defence of Nine Worlds rests on this god." - Magnus looked at the drool turning to ice in Thor's beard.

"Let's get going." - Blitz muttered - "I don't want to be around when he wakes up with Otis and Marvin."

The four of them walked towards the dead giantess, but I stood there, looking back to where we had come from. I looked at my friends, over thirty meters away. I ran towards them.

"Eu! Guys!" - I slowed until I was in front of them.

"Kid, I was wondering when you were going to catch up." - Blitz said.

"Yeah, well... I'm not going with you. Got a licence to kill." - I tried to joke.

"Oh, right. Sorry, kid." - the dwarf apologized.

"Don't be." - I said - "I was just going to tell you that I'm going the other way."

"But you could come with us." - Magnus said - "Loki's ex might be towards Geirrod's fortress."

"I don't think so." - I shook my head.

A-n-g-r-b-o-d-a is a hunter, Hearth signed. Following Bruno.

"I thought the same thing." - I agreed - "She has been hunting me, meaning that she's been tracing me. If I go back exactly where we came from, I have more chances of finding her. I might even scout a little, find a good spot for the fight."

"Or she will find you first." - Blitz said.

"Such confidence." - I mockingly put a hand over my chest.

"Blitzen is right, Bruno." - Sam said - "Even if-"

"I see you're still the ray of sunshine of the group." - I interrupted - "Anyway, time to go."

"Good luck, kid. You're going to need it." - Blitz patted my arm.

Trust your skills. Trust in yourself, the elf signed.

"Thank you, Hearth." - I quickly put my hand over his when he started rummaging through his bag of runes - "Keep your strength. You're still tired. I have a feeling you'll need to use your magic on the giant's fortress."

Hearth stared at me. He slowly took his hand out of the bag.

Don't die, he gestured.

"I don't plan to." - I reassured him.

I turned to the einherji.

"Don't do anything stupid."

"Hey! I'm not the one with stupid plans." - Magnus protested.

"Yeah, right. Whatever you say. Don't get yourself killed."

"Same to you." - Magnus said - "See you at the campsite when we're done."

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