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Blitz and Hearth were waiting for us outside the New England Aquarium.

Blitz had a new outfit, of course: coloured-olive fatigues, a yellow ascot necktie and a matching yellow pith helmet with yellow sun proof netting.

"My wolf-hunting clothes!" - he told us cheerfully.

He explained how Thor's magic had transported him where he most needed to be: the best department store in Nidavellir. He had used his Svartalf Express Card (it's a real thing) to charge a number of expeditionary supplies, inlcuding several spare outfits and a retractable bone steel harpoon.

"Not only that." - Blitz said - "The contest scandal with Junior? It backfired on the old maggot! Word got around about how badly he failed. Nobody is blaming me any more, or the horsefly, or anything! People started talking about my stylish armour designs, and now they're clamoring for product. If I live through tonight, I might start my own clothing line after all!"

Magnus, Sam and I congratulated him, though living through tonight did seem a big question. Nevertheless, Blitzen was so happy I didn't want to bring him down. He started bouncing on his heels, singing Sharp Dressed Dwarf under his breath.

As for Hearth, he had done a different kind of shopping. He was now carrying a polished staff of white oak. At the top, the staff split into a Y like a slingshot. I realized that a piece was missing between the two prongs.

With his staff in his hand, Hearthstone looked like a proper medieval elf, except that he was still wearing black jeans, a leather jacket over a HOUSE OF BLUES T-shirt and a his red and white scarf.

Hearth rested the staff in the crook of his arm and explained in signs how he had ended up at Mimir's Well. The god had pronounced him a full master of alf seidr, ready to use a sorcerer's staff.

"Isn't that awesome?" - Blitz clapped him on the back - "I knew he could do it!"

Hearthstone pursed his lips. I don't feel like a master.

"I've got something that might help." - Magnus reached in his pocket and pulled out the runestone perthro - "A couple of hours ago I had a conversation with Hel. She reminded me of everything I've lost."

He recounted what the cunt goddess had offered him.

"Ah, kid..." - Blitz shook his head - "Here I've been going on about my clothing line and you had to deal with that."

"It's okay." - Magnus assured him - "The thing is, when I appeared on Bunker Hill, I'd just used my sword to kill two giantesses. I should've passed out or died from exhaustion. I didn't. I think I know why."

I watched him turn the runestone between his fingers. I had a feeling that I wasn't going to like where the conversation might lead to.

"The longer I'm with you guys, the easier it gets to use my sword, or heal, or do anything, really. I'm no magic expert, but I think... somehow, we're sharing the cost."

He held opened his hand, the rune laid at the centre of his palm.

"I know what if feels like to be an empty cup, to have everything taken away from you. But you're not alone. However much magic you need to use, it's okay. We've got you. We're your family."

Hearth's eyes rimmed with green water. He signed to us, I love you.

Before Magnus gave him the rune, the son of Frey turned to me.

"I know that at first, you weren't an empty cup. You had gone through pain, but now... I feel like something recently happened." - Magnus tried to look me in the eyes, but I kept my gaze on the ground - "You met Hel too."

Journey of an Einherji - The Sword of SummerWhere stories live. Discover now