Dinner with a Portion of Destiny

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We were swept up in a tidal wave of hungry warriors. Einherjar poured in from every direction, pushing, joking and laughing as they headed for their seats.

"Hold on." - Sam told us.

Or one of us. She grabbed Magnus' wrist and they flew into the air, like Tinkerbell and Peter-Pan.

"Che! (Hey!)." - I shouted - "What about me?" 

The einherjar kept on coming, dragging me along to a random seat. I looked up and saw Sam carrying Magnus, who was flapping his legs around in fear. Pushing, shouting and cursing I started to follow them.

No one paid me attention, I saw Valkyries flying around: some were escorting warriors, others carrying platters of food and pitchers of drink.

When Sam and Magnus flew downwards I lost sight of them, yet I kept going hoping I wasn't going to end up in a table sorrounded by strangers. In a moment I accidentally pushed a bulky warrior with a little too much force and I sent him crashing into a table, obviously I kept going, to afraid to see if the warrior got up or saw me.

Finally I reached the place where I had lost sight of Magnus and Sam, the head table. A dozen grim-looking men were taking their seats in front of golden plates and globets encrusted with jewels. In the place of honour stood an empty wooden throne with a high back where two ravens perched, grooming their feathers.

Sam and Magnus where heading to the left side of the table, twelve other people seating there : two girls and four guys in regular street clothes; and six Valkyries dressed like Sam. Newcomers I guessed.

I walked towards Magnus and Sam, crouching and trying to regain my breath.

"Couldn't... you..." - I glared at Sam - "Grabbed... me... too...?

"No", - she said - "I can't carry two at once, too heavy. We would have fell, we would've had to push our way here."

"Right... like I... didn't do that."

I managed to breath normally as I heard Magnus and Sam talking about the newcomers. Eight in one night was a bad thing and something about bad things stirring in the world. I didn't heard all, I missed some parts thanks to the noise around us.

When we were going to get seated, a tall Valkyrie stepped in our path.

"Samirah al-Abbas, what have you brought tonight? Another half-troll? Perhaps spies from your father?"

The girl looked about eighteen. She was big enough to be a rugby player, with snow-blonde hair in braids down her shoulders. Over her green dress she wore a bandolier of ball-peen hammers, wich seemed an odd choice of weapon. Though, I had seen a warrior with a ukelele claiming it was a terrifying weapon on my way to the head table, what did I know about weapons anyway. Around her neck hung a golden amulet shaped like a hammer. Her eyes were a pale blue and cold as a winter sky.

"Gunilla", - Sam's voice tightened - "this are Magnus Chase and Bruno Sazzione".

Magnus held out his hand.

"Gorilla? Pleased to meet you".

The girl's nostrils flared.

"It is Gunilla, captain of the Valkyries. And you, newcomers-"

"Are extremely hungry and eager to sat down" - I said with a fake polite smile - "So, would you mind keeping those vague threats to yourself? Thank you".

Gunilla opened her mouth, probably to say something she considered smart, the foghorn interrupted her, echoing through the hall. This time I could see the source. Near the base of the tree, two guys held a black and white animal horn the size of a canoe while a third guy blew into it.

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