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  The next few days, Fred had been sneaking off into Y/n's dorm. George and Lee started noticing that he wasn't in his bed when they would wake. It was New Year's Eve and Fred snuck out of Y/n's dorm, knocking on Miles. "Oh?" said Miles rubbing his eyes, seeing Fred. "It's seven in the morning?"

"I know, can I come in?" asked Fred. Miles nodded. Poppy was asleep in Miles bed, underneath his covers.

"What's going on?" asked Miles.

"Tomorrow is Y/n's birthday." said Fred. Miles nodded once again. "I have a plan."

"I don't know Weasley, Y/n never celebrates her birthday." said Miles. "I don't know how she would feel. She doesn't really care for it."

"I still want to do something for her." said Fred. Miles made a face, tilting his head. "You know. . . as good friends I think we've become."

"Okay." said Miles.

"I need a little help from her best friend though." said Fred. "I also need you to keep her far, far away from the Gryffindor tower."

"My help?" asked Miles. Fred nodded. "With?"

"Okay uh, do you have parchment and a quill?" asked Fred looking around. Miles nodded, opening his school bag. Fred sat at the desk, opening the ink and turning to Miles who was very confused. "What's her favorite color, her favorite snack, her favorite cake flavor, her favorite pastry's, her second favorite color, I know her favorite music. . . uh, what else, what else? Do you know if she likes fireworks?"

"Uh her favorite color is y/f/c, she likes sugar quills and crystallized pineapples, and if we're talking normal food she really likes fruits, she's weird. Uh, cake flavor I wanna say is (your preference) and her favorite pastry is a tart. I think her second favorite color might be (another color). I don't know if she likes fireworks but who doesn't?" said Miles. Fred nodded, writing everything down. Poppy woke up, confused looking at the two boys.

"What's going on?" asked Poppy.

"Y/n's birthday party for tonight, keep her away from the Gryffindor tower, please!" said Fred getting up. "I'll see you two at seven but if Y/n asks, seven thirty!"

Fred hurried out of the Slytherin entrance and hurried back into the Gryffindor tower, straight into his dorm, waking George and Lee. "Merlin Fred!" said Lee covering his head.

"I need help." said Fred.

"Where have you been all night?" asked George.

"What do you mean?" asked Fred. "Here?"

"No, you haven't." said Lee.

"Anyways, Y/n's— Malfoy's birthday party for tonight." said Fred. "I need you two to help me."

"Okay." said George sitting up. Fred handed George specific instructions for him to gather from the kitchen. "Wow, this is a lot don't you think?"

"No." said Fred. Lee and George glanced at each other. "What?"

"You fancy her." said Lee. Fred turned to George.

"Don't look at me, he figured it out himself!" said George. Fred turned to Lee who smiled. "But then you can explain to us where you run off at night. To go see her?"

"You know she has a boyfriend right?" said Lee.

"She's engaged." said George.

"What?" said Lee, surprised. George nodded. Fred groaned.

"Guys." said Fred.

"I like her." said Lee. "Her and Bletchley, they're not snobby."

"She's engaged." said George again.

Pinky Promise (Y/nMalfoy X Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now