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December 12th, 1994

Y/n woke up to the sound of her alarm, Fred groaned. "We do this every morning, princess." mumbled Fred in his sleep. Y/n looked at the time, adjusting her vision. He pulled her back into his chest, covering her eyes. "Sh, sh, just go back to sleep."

"It's— I have a meeting." said Y/n smiling. Fred groaned, letting her go. "We can ditch lunch?"

"Promise?" asked Fred. Y/n smiled, interlocking their pinky's.

"I pinky promise." chuckled Y/n. Fred smiled, nodding his head and falling back asleep. Y/n kissed his cheek, then got ready for the day. She left the portrait, making her way to the Great Hall for a meeting.

Adrian was resting her head on his hand, staring up at the ceiling. "Hey!" said Y/n sitting next to him. "What's the matter with you?"

"Lorelei had me up until late last night." said Adrian. Y/n turned to look at him, Adrian making a face. "Not like that. We were trying to figure out a gift for Miles."

"Hm, any luck?" asked Y/n.

"Well, I just got him a bottle of whisky and Lorelei ended up just purchasing some stuff from your boyfriend. I guess they have stuff like Zonkos?" said Adrian. Y/n chuckled, nodding her head. "What did you get him?"

"A camera." said Y/n. Adrian made a face, looking at her.

"A camera?" asked Adrian.

"Yeah." smiled Y/n. Adrian made a face, looking at her.

"Why?" asked Adrian.

"Because he'll have memories." said Y/n. Adrian made a face, narrowing his eyebrows.

"Okay." said Adrian. Their meeting was over and Y/n was sitting in the Great Hall, staring at the plate. She felt someone sit next to her, turning to see Miles and Graham.

"Happy birthday!" said Y/n hugging him tightly.

"Thank you." chuckled Miles. "Poppy woke me up with balloons and a rooster."

"A rooster?" asked Y/n turning to Graham who made a face.

"Yeah, a screaming rooster." said Graham.

"She's amazing." smiled Miles. Y/n smiled, nodding her head. Graham rolled his eyes, putting food on his plate. "Where's Adrian?"

"I think he's sleeping." chuckled Y/n.

"Where?" asked Graham.

"Ravenclaw dorms, probably." said Y/n, shrugging.

"Oh, can you guys not come into the Slytherin dorms for lunch?" said Miles. Graham and Y/n turned to look at Miles. "It's my birthday."

"You're disgusting." said Y/n with a face.

"Says the one who let her boyfriend walk into class covered in lipstick on his birthday." said Miles. Graham choked on his food, turning to Y/n.

"Merlin, you two were together then." said Graham. Y/n chuckled, turning to look at Fred who had been reading a letter.

"Im exhausted." said Adrian finally joining them at the table. "Oh yeah, happy birthday, mate."

"Thanks." chuckled Miles.


Y/n was sitting in the secret room waiting on Fred. She had been eating an apple, drawing in her journal when the door opened. Fred took the things out of her hand, replacing them with himself. "You okay, Freddie?" asked Y/n running her fingers through his hair. Fred handed her a letter, she made a face grabbing it.

Pinky Promise (Y/nMalfoy X Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now