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The months that led up to the very last task went by extremely quick. Y/n and Fred were at a high, they were stuck to each other like glue. "Summers almost here, unfortunately." mumbled Fred in Y/n's hair. It was the early morning of the first task.

"I know." said Y/n softly, running her fingers through his hair. Fred could hear Y/n's heart racing, her body tensing up and her grip of him getting tighter.

Fred lifted his head to look at her, caressing her cheek. "Would you believe me if I told you i'm going to figure out a way to make sure you and I end together in the end?" asked Fred smiling softly. Y/n chuckled, wrapping her arms around him tighter. "I pinky promise."

"Yeah?" asked Y/n. Fred interlocked their fingers, while placing a kiss on her lips. Y/n believed every word that came out of Fred's mouth because he's never lied to her. Never given her a reason not to believe him and if Fred Weasley put his mind onto something, she knew he would be do anything to make it happen. Just this time, she wasn't so sure.

"I swear." said Fred resting his head back on her. Y/n swallowed hard, looking at the ceiling and holding him tighter.

Later that noon, the two were walking down the stairs to the Great Hall from their lessons. "What if we skip lunch?" asked Y/n moving in front of Fred with a smile. He chuckled, lifting her chin with his fingers.

"I think that's a great—"

"Fred!" said a very loud voice. Fred quickly moved his fingers, jumping slightly. Y/n turned around to see Mrs. Weasley with Bill and Charlie behind their mother. Y/n blinked hard, looking at them. "Where have you been?"

"I just got out of class?" said Fred awkwardly. "What are you doing here?"

"We came to see Harry." said Mrs. Weasley. She glanced at Y/n who smiled softly.

"Oh mum," said Fred with a smile. "This is Y/n Malfoy, she's my—"

"A Malfoy." said Mrs. Weasley. Y/n made a face as Fred narrowed his eyebrow. Bill and Charlie looked at each other, turning back to Y/n.

"It's nice to see you again, Y/n!" said Charlie with a smile. Y/n returned it slightly, turning to Fred who had been looking at his mother.

"Anyways, she's my—"

"Friend." said Y/n. Fred turned to look at her, narrowing his eyebrows. "We've became good friends after he saved my life."

"Oh yes, yes. Now I remember you." said Mrs. Weasley. "How are you doing?"

"Good, thank you. I better get going. It was nice to see you again." said Y/n. She walked off, Fred hurrying after her.

"Angel?" said Fred catching up to her. "I was going to tell her you're my girlfriend?"

"Maybe you shouldn't, Freddie, she clearly already doesn't like me." said Y/n looking up at her boyfriend who made a face, resting his hand softly on her face.

"She doesn't know you to not like you, princess." said Fred.

"She won't want you with a Malfoy." said Y/n softly. Fred chuckled, shaking his head.

"Fine, I won't tell her now but you'll meet her properly soon." said Fred. He kissed his forehead, moving a piece of hair behind her ear. Y/n looked at him with a small smile.

"Sure, Freddie." said Y/n. Fred narrowed his eyebrows, looking at her with a tilted head.

"Y/n?" said Fred softly. "I'm serious, when she gets to know you, she'll love just as much as I do. Well, not as much because no one can love you as much as I do."

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