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Y/n woke up to Fred holding her tightly, she felt that they both had no type of clothing on. She looked at the time, seeing it was nearly nine. "Freddie." said Y/n shaking him softly. "You have a match, you have to get up."

"I have a few hours before I need to get up." said Fred wrapping his arms tighter around Y/n. She made a face, getting up. "Angel, a little longer?"

"You have a problem." chuckled Y/n placing a kiss on his lips. Fred melted into the kiss, pulling Y/n on top of him. Y/n adjusted herself on Fred, he grin moving his hands.

"You're honestly a dream." mumbled Fred in between kisses. Y/n smiled, holding his shoulders.


Miles was making his way back into the dorm, he opened the door to see Lorelei asleep in Adrian's bed. Adrian came out the bathroom, looking at him. "What?" asked Adrian.

"There's a lady in your bed." said Miles rubbing his eyes and making his way toward his bed. Adrian chuckled, rolling his eyes.

"I just went to see if Y/n was awake and she's not in her bed. Graham was there but no Y/n." said Adrian tilting his head. "I wonder where she went off too."

"She stayed with Poppy." Miles said clearing his throat.

"Ohh." said Adrian nodding his head. Lorelei rubbed her eyes, turning to see the boys. She looked around, seeing green. "Good morning."

"Oh merlin, what time is it?" asked Lorelei getting up. Miles chuckled, shaking his head.

"It's only 9:30." said Adrian.

"Have I been here all night?" asked Lorelei. Adrian nodded, crossing his arms.

"You were drunk last night, you touched the pillow and knocked right out." said Adrian. Lorelei looked down to see she was still in her clothing from last night, rubbing her head.

"I have to go." said Lorelei. "I need coffee."

"I'll see you in a bit, love." chuckled Adrian kissing her. She waved goodbye to Miles who returned the wave. She walked out the door, Y/n had been running up the stairs, her hair a mess and her clothing barely on.

"Y/n?" said Lorelei surprised.

"Oh hey, I have to shower." said Y/n entering the girls dorm to see Graham wrapped around Gemma. Lorelei made a face, following her in.

"Woah." said Lorelei hearing her thoughts. "This early in the morning?"

"Lor!" said Y/n closing the door behind them. Y/n turned on the water, undressing herself while Lorelei looked away.

"I need the details." said Lorelei hearing the curtains close.

"Well, after Adrian took you, Miles and Poppy left. Lee and George left, leaving me and Fred alone. I gave him another present I had for him and then— well honestly all day it was kind of hard to stay away from each other but when we were alone it just happened." said Y/n peeking her head out of the curtain. "But Lorelei, i've never— he's so different."

"Different?" asked Lorelei.

"I've never been touched the way he touched me." blushed Y/n washing her hair. "When Benjamin and I would do it, it would be for him mostly. In and out and that's it! Fred, merlin, he used his mouth and his fingers and touched every single part of my body!"

"Oh wow." said Lorelei, eyebrows risen.

"And it's just not that— he's like— he doesn't make me feel like a Malfoy, you know?" said Y/n. Lorelei nodded, sitting on the sink. "I use to say that I loved Benjamin, but if this is what love feels like than I didn't! What I feel for Fred doesn't compare to Benjamin. I actually do think i'm going insane though, how can someone make me feel like this."

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