Part 4

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     I wake up to gunshots. They sound far. I get out of the bed. Someone came in and took my leftover food, I guess. Because that's gone. I walk over to the window, rubbing my eyes.

It's still dark outside. I look in between the bars. I see a road, and some lights, I also see three men in black uniforms, walking around with guns. This room is pretty high up. I would guess the fifth floor. Nice. So this is like, for real. I'm not going insane.

I cross my arms. I'm not tired anymore. I walk over to the door and flip the light switch. The whole room lights up. Ugh. I wish I knew what time it was. I feel like I'm going crazy not knowing. I walk into the bathroom. Wait, there aren't cameras in here, right? I look around the bathroom, in all corners and creases. I guess not. Good.

I look at myself in the mirror. My hair is looking good, even after a long nap. I take my hair out. Ugh, I'm feeling grimy. I'm not comfortable taking a shower here, but what choice do I have? I will just feel worse not having one. Wait. He has all of this girl stuff, so. He must've been planning on keeping me. So he just fucking dunked me for no reason? Nice!

Demarcus better hurry up and get me, I do not feel good. Am I going to take a shower here? Fuck it. I take off my silk pajamas, and undergarments, leaving them on the floor. I walk over to the glass shower, and slide over the door, closing it behind me.

This is a nice shower. It even has one of those rich people's square shower heads. I turn the knob that has hot engraved on it all the way, and I turn the cold one halfway. Water comes out of the shower head, dampening my hair, and running down my body.

There are shelves already packed with things. Lotion, shampoo, conditioner, razors, exfoliation stuff, and of course fancy-looking flower-shaped soap.

After the shower, I grab a towel off of a rack and dry myself off. I walk over to the sink and grab some face lotion. I wet my face, and accidentally get water on the mirror, I wipe it off with my hand when a clock shows up on the bottom left of it. It's three thirty-five am. Wow, a touchscreen mirror. That's all it does, though.

I finish all of my daily hygiene. I grab a cute white cropped tank, a black bra, black underwear, and a soft black and white pair of flowy shorts, and put them on. I put heat protectant in my hair then blow dry it. I run a brush threw its tangles.

Now all that's left to do is wait for Demarcus. I tap the mirror. It's now four fifteen am. It's so nice knowing the time now. Thank you so much psycho blonde guy for not telling me there is a clock on this mirror. I leave the bathroom. Great, now I'm bored all over again.

I go over to the bed and sit down on it. Seriously, though. What should I do all day? I guess I could look out that window again. I walk over to the window and look between the bars. Same sight. Guards, road, trees. Okay. That was fun.

"Knock knock*

I look behind me and see the door open. There is the blonde guy. He's wearing a black suit that fits his slim build beautifully. He has pale skin that looks smooth as a baby's butt. My god is he fun to look at. I cross my arms.

"What are you doing up so early?" I ask.

"Since you are awake now, I'm bringing you breakfast." He says, holding a plate with delicious-looking food on it.

Corn on the cob, peeled potatoes, and a water bottle. That looks delicious, and I'm very hungry. I see nothing past the door because it's just so dark out there.

"Why?" He closes the door. "Aren't you supposed to starve me? Tell me he's never going to come for me?"

He sets the food and water on the nightstand.

"Now what's the fun in that?" He smiles.

God, he has such a sexy smile. Ugh, I hate myself. I officially hate myself. I have such low standards! He's a ten but he kidnapped you and had someone nearly drown you. Seriously.

"You can't keep me in here forever."

"Last time I checked you aren't the one in charge of that."

"Last time I checked-"

"Don't even start with me, little girl."

"First of all, I'm grown,"

He walks up to me, and I try to keep a straight face but I know I look scared. He smiles.

"No, no, no. Don't stop now. Keep on talking. I would love to hurt you again."

My breathing gets heavy. He looks at my lips, and my heart starts racing.

"But it would be such a shame for me to ruin this pretty face." He says as he runs the back of his finger down my cheek.

I feel heat shamelessly rise to my cheeks.

"Nothing else to say?"

I slightly shake my head back and forth. I look at the ground, trying to save myself from his beautiful state. He grabs my chin and lifts it so my gaze meets his.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you."

He lets go of my chin. My heart is about to jump out of my chest. He studies my face and smirks.

"Are you scared?" He whispers. "Or shy?" I try not to look at his lips, or away. "Hm?"

"I- I don't know," I quietly say as I shake my head back and forth again.

"This was the last straw. Next time I won't be so nice." He smiles, then walks away.

I gulp and take a silent deep breath. He opens the door, and he looks back at me as I'm still standing in the same spot, paralyzed. He closes and locks the door behind him. Ugh.

I roll my eyes. I don't know?? Ew. Ew, ew. No. From now on, he is ugly to me. He is a frog. A roach. Just some ugly gross animal that I do not find seriously sexy. Desiree, you're going crazy. I cross my arms with a huff. That food smells so good.

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