Part 5

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I eat the food and drink the water. I check the time again. It's now five twenty-three am. Only five twenty-three. I swear if Demarcus doesn't get me today I'm just gonna break out by myself. I have no idea how, though.

The windows are blocked and there are most likely guards outside this door and surrounding this whole place. My body is sore. Oh, something to do. I'll stretch. Fun. And do a short little workout.

I do my daily stretch full of lunges and toe touches. I then do some jumping jacks for a while, I do push-ups, I do triceps bridges, I do leg lifts, fire hydrants, dead bugs, one hundred, Russian twists, different types of crunches, etc.

This would be much more fun if I had some
weights. I check the time again, it's six-twelve now. I sit down in a corner and try to clear my mind. Demarcus owes me a huge apology. I stare into space. What if he doesn't come? I would probably never leave this place. I have no one else.

My parents are out living their own lives, and I'm not in contact with any aunts or uncles or anything like that. No siblings. Demarcus was my only friend. Well, I had Sydney but she tried to sleep with Denmark so she's gone.

Does Dmark even love me? Like, what is taking so long? Demarcus would never be involved with these people. I wonder if they work for the mafia. Or if they are the mafia. This blonde guy seems to be the boss. I know that. He knew when I was awake... Must be stalking the cam. Ew, he accused me of being. Shy? Who says that? Him. He does. He's crazy. Duh.

I bring my knees up to my chest, and hug them tight, resting my head on them. I look at the camera. It looks breakable. I think if I just jammed the camera part with something hard that would break it. Well, duh.

Then once I do that, I just need to be able to take the blonde guy out when he next opens the door, and run to wherever I guess is the exit while probably dodging bullets, and run outside also dodging bullets, then escape by jumping a fence or whatever.

But that would only work if I was indestructible, incredibly fast, and knew how to fight. I can throw a punch, just don't know any good moves. I'd already be dead before even laying a finger on him. Heh. This isn't fair. This is so not fair. I was just enjoying a night alone in my home, waiting for my pizza guy to arrive.

Oh my god. The pizza dude must've been working for them because there was the sleepy dug stuff on the pizza I got. Or they switched the actual pizza out for the one I ate without the pizza person knowing.

I wonder how old the blonde guy is. Because he looks young compared to the people who work for him. Maybe. Twenty-nine or something. Cause if I'm twenty-two and we look the same age he couldn't be much older than thirty. Then again plastic surgery and wrinkle cream are a thing.

How could a guy so young get into stuff like that? Maybe he was born into it. Maybe he was abducted and forced to work with these people at a young age. Ugh. No, no no. No more thinking about him. Ew. Double ew.

These people are losers and have like, no life. Are these people in it for the money? Or the thrill of torturing people, kidnapping, or drowning people? I was being drowned. I have been drugged and kidnapped. Wow. I wonder if I'm on the news.

I wonder where the hell DemMarcus is. I wonder how long I'll be here. I wonder how long they were planning on kidnapping me. What the heck did Demarcus do to deserve this? Is he crazy like them? Is he working for them? Is he an enemy? Did he kill one of them? Does he owe them money? So many questions that won't be answered as long as I'm in this dump.

Well, this place is nice. I mean, for the situation. I'm stuck. Officially stuck. Oh, I do have someone else who will be worried. Jen, my workout instructor. Maybe she'll start a search party or at least call the cops. And my neighbor's. I don't know them very well but they will realize. I wonder how high this building is. What if I'm at the very top of it?

There's only one thing to do now. Sleep.

HostageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora