Part 6

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     I'm awoken by sudden gunshots coming from outside my room. I quickly get up, and jog to the door, pressing my ear against it. I hear two men talking, but I can't make out what they're saying. Oh my god, this is crazy. Someone just got shot. Near me!

I wonder if it was anyone I know. Jen? One of my neighbors? Or DeMar?! I listen closer and hear dragging. Oh my god! What if that's someone's body? They just killed someone! Oh my god!

I continue listening and don't hear anything for a good minute. I step away from the door and run a hand threw my hair. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. I look at the camera. Some idiot is probably watching me freak out right now. Ugh. Wait, why do I care? They kidnapped me, so they can put up with me. Yeah.

Maybe I can annoy the blonde dude so bad he drops me off back home. Or he kills me, which he said he'd do if I continue to be annoying or whatever. I sit down on the bed, and run my fingers threw my hair again.

God, Desiree, get a grip. If I'm going to escape, I need to focus. What time is it? I get up and head to the bathroom. I tap on the mirror. Eight forty. Okay, blonde dude said if I need something I just yell at the camera. Got it, seems easy enough. I walk out of the bathroom and step close to the camera in the corner close to my bed.

"Um, hello?" I shout to the camera. "I need to speak to the blonde dude. The one who seems to run this whole thing. It's important. So, yeah. Send him over."

I hope I wasn't talking to myself there. How would I know someone heard? I sit down on the bed.

Okay, so what am I going to do? I can't escape threw the door, there must be guards everywhere. And, there's nothing else to do besides that. I would try to annoy him, but the last time didn't go so well.

First, he had me nearly drowned, then he bent my finger backward, then he.. Accused me of being shy around him? Am not. I'm scared, but certainly not shy- The door handle turns and opens suddenly. I see a blonde dude standing in the doorway.

"What do you want?" He asks.

I look behind him. It's still dark out there, I still can't see anything. Great. He enters the room, closing the door behind him. I stand up.

"I want to know if DeMar showed." I cross my arms.

"No. He hasn't. But don't worry. I've got men out looking for him right now. It won't be long until he's here." He says.

He's wearing a tight dark cotton shirt, and expensive-looking black pants, with expensive-looking black shoes. His hair is cute and messy, and he has an expensive-looking silver necklace on.

"Anything else?"

"Oh, yeah. I-" Where was I going with this? " I- I think." I take a deep breath. "I think I should be able to go out." I finish.

His eyebrows shoot up.

"Out?" He smiles playfully.

"Yes. Like, outside. Or just out of this room."

"Why should I do that for you?"

"Because. I mean, it's not my fault my boyfriend is an idiot. Also, I feel like I'm going crazy in here." His smile fades.

"I don't care." ...okay...

"Well, I'm guessing DeMar expects me to be in good shape when I go back."

"DemMarcus shouldn't expect you to come back at all." No.. "With the amount he owes me, he doesn't deserve anything."

I look down at the floor and scoff.

"I don't- I don't get it. What do you mean he shouldn't expect me to come back? Isn't that the whole deal?!"

"He knew who he was getting involved with."

I stare at him and shake my head back and forth.

"How did he get involved with people like you? He's a good guy."

"Desperation." He says with a shrug.

"Well, what got him so desperate?"

"He can tell you himself. If he ever sees you again."

"He's going to see me again! Why- you can't just take me from my home and keep me forever!"

"Oh, but I did. And I can." He smiles. "I'll be back later so we can discuss some things. But from now on, you better think twice before raising your voice at me. You so lucky you caught me at a good time."

He opens the door and leaves. I bet he's in a good mood because he shot somebody. Psycho. Fuck him. Fuck him, fuck this, and fuck DeMar.

I sit back down on the bed. I look around. There's nothing to do. And I'm not tired one bit. I need to go outside sometime soon. I haven't been in a long while. Well, a day, but still. I can't stay here forever.

If Demarcus doesn't show by tomorrow, I'm going to have to go threw with my plan to annoy the blonde guy. And I might die doing it. But I'd rather be dead than here. Well, not really.

He is so hot. I can't get over that. I hope it's not obvious when I'm checking him out. Ugh, I completely dislike myself right now. I scoot back onto the bed and rest my back against a wall. I'm going crazy.

I can't believe DeMar is involved with them. What could get him so desperate to ask for anything from them? College debt? I mean, that's not reasonable. He makes his own money. He's a literal surgeon. I lay down on my side, resting my head on a super soft pillow.

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