Part 12

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     "You couldn't save me but you can't let me go!" Everyone chants together to the music. "I can crave you but you don't need to know!"

I spot a guy facing me, and when we make eye contact he immediately pushes past people, towards me. He is super cute. And that's about all my drunk mind can pick up on right now.

"Hey." He says, smiling.

"Hi," I say back. We both aren't jumping.

"I'm Luke. And you are?"

"Drunk." We both laugh. "How about we go up there?" I suggest, pointing to the stairs.

"Good idea." He says.

I grab his hand and push threw people with him. We walk up the stairs together. I walk over to the dark booth in the corner with him following behind me.

I slide onto the leather-red seat, scooting into the corner. He scoots next to me. We are only inches apart. I take the last sip of my champagne and place the empty glass on the table.

"So, Duke," I say, scooting closer.

"It's Luke." Billie Bossa Nova comes on. My favorite song by Billie, ever.

"Yeah, right." I clear my voice and scoot even closer to him until our knees touch.

"What do you know about the guy who planned this party? The blonde guy."

"Oh, boss? Well, I should know as much as you do. He's an ass." Cheers to that.

"Exactly. And. What do you think about making out with me right now?" I smirk at him.

I need to let loose. That's all I've been doing since I got here, but I need more.

"I think that's an amazing idea." He smiles.

I grab his neck and pull his lips to mine. He grabs my waist as my tongue enters his mouth. I put my other hand on his buttoned-up shirt, gripping it. I feel his hand slowly slide lower, rubbing my thigh as our heads shift back and forth, as our tongues collide. This is a great distraction from all the shit I've been throwing recently.

He tastes like champagne and mints. Delicious.

"Dude!" A guy yells from behind Luke, pulling him off of me by the collar of his shirt.

"What's your problem?!" Luke shouts.

The guy who pulls him off of me is blonde, but it's not Freddy.

"What are you thinking?!" Not Freddy yell-asks.

"What do you mean what am I doing? It's pretty obvious." He turns back to me.

I smile.

"That's Desiree!" Not Freddy says.

Luke's eyes widen, and he looks me up and down, then backs up, looking at not Freddy.

"Oh my god." Luke whispers.

Not Freddy complains while he runs his hand threw his hair, slowly blinking and taking a deep breath.

What's Luke doing? Why is he leaving? My smile fades. Luke stands up, staring at me, with scared eyes, then back at Freddy.

"You better hope no one saw that." Not Freddy says to Luke.

Suddenly they both look in front of them. Their eyes widen, they look at me and back in front of them.

"I- I am so sorry Marias." Cute guy says, his hand out, and chest puffed.

He starts to turn red and pale at the same time. Marias? I bend sideways to see what they're looking at.

It's Freddy. Or- Marias. Marias looks pissed and is just standing there.

"He had no idea, sir." Not Freddy says.

"I didn't," Luke says, looking like he's about to choke on his own spit.

"Go," Marias demands.

I witness an actual weight lift off the boys. They both begin to walk away. What the heck is going on? He is their asshole boss. Luke turns around and says his last sorry before jogging over back to not Freddy.

Marias watches them for a moment more before his eyes meet mine. The end of Bad Guy by Billie Eilish is being yelled at by the crowd. Then my strange addiction starts playing.

I smile and pat next to me on the seat. He motions me to get up. I frown, then scoot off the seat, and stand up. I walk up to him.

"Do you want a turn?" I ask.

I smile. He doesn't.

"Who are you? My dad?" I ask.

He's just standing here, stern-faced. He looks at my lips, then looks me up and down as his expression softens. My stomach flutters.

"It's late." He turns to the door.

"I'm not tired."

He stops and turns back around.

"We are leaving." He says in a very serious tone.

I stand and stare and him. Then fix my gaze to the floor.

"Fine," I quietly say.

I begin walking to the doors, and he follows behind me.

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