Part 15

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     My eyes flutter open, the sun beaming into the room. I groan, turning to my other side, when I feel sheets press against my naked body. I take a deep breath in. I look at the floor.

Our clothes are gone. On a shelf, are some folded clothes, and a pair of shoes. I sit up and look next to me. Marias isn't here. I'm still in the red-door room. That happened. That happened. Where is Marias?

I get up and look at the clothes. It's a white V-cut T-shirt and a pair of dark wash skinny jeans. There's a bra, underwear, socks, and the shoes are a basic white pair. I put the clothes on, after feeling uncomfortably exposed in the sunlight. I fix my hair with my fingers and walk to the middle of the room.

I look at the bed and realize the black bag full of unloaded guns is no longer in there. He vanished. Well, maybe not though. He could be just outside the door. I walk to the door and open it. I'm shocked to see two guards standing in front of me.

"We need you to come with us." One of them says.

"Okay?" They begin walking over to the elevator.

I follow them, looking back at my room's door, and back at the red one. We all enter the elevator, and one of them clicks on the basement button. My mind lights up. Okay, he's waiting for me down there.

We're going to go on a little trip. Maybe to a new house? A giant mansion for the two of us. The elevator stops with a ding, and the elevator doors open. My smile fades, as I stare at DemMarcus, standing next to his car.

When he sees me a giant smile forms on his face. A guard nudges me out of the elevator, and they follow behind me. The elevator closes. Demarcus walks up to me. His smile was wicked, a sympathetic look on his brows.

"Baby, Desiree." He says, reaching for my hand.

I pull my hand away. He sighs.

"I am so sorry, babe." I just stare at him. "I know I took so long."

"You both should get going now." A guard says.

DemMarcus nods, he reaches his hand out to mine, but quickly retracts it to his side. He slowly walks to the car. My legs move, but my mind feels like it floating in place. He gets into the driver's seat, and I sit in the back. He buckles himself, then looks back at me, that stupid sympathetic look on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

My eyes wander out the window, into the now-empty parking lot.

He sighs, turning back to the front, and starting the car up. I buckle myself, staring into space.

We leave the parking lot, the same way Marias and I did. I watch as the trees pass by, and watch as the building falls out of view. I rest my head against the back of the seat. Nothing is going threw my mind.

We enter Demarcus's house. Big and basic.

He makes me lunch, but I refuse it. He says I should get changed, and I don't.

By the time it's dark outside, I'm lying in bed with Demarcus. His hand rests on my waist. I stare out the window.

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