Part 14

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     The rest of the car ride is spent whisper-singing, "Gold on your fingertips. Fingertips against my cheek. Gold leaf across your lips. Kiss me until I can't speak."

We don't speak in the elevator, and now I'm alone in my room, singing the lyrics of Hostage as it replays in my head.

"It's not like me to be so mean, you all I wanted. Just let me hold you. Like a hostage..." I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

I open my eyes to the smell of bacon. Marias...

After I eat breakfast, I step into the shower. Calm water sprits out onto my face and runs down my body. I turn around and run my fingers threw my hair. The blonde guy is Marias.

As I rub shampoo onto my scalp, I remember the kiss. The kiss we shared in his car. The way it felt when he grabbed me and kissed me is unimaginable. I feel my hair stand on its ends from the memory. I take a deep shuddering breath.

I step out of the shower and tie a towel around me. I brush threw my hair. My mind is running, replaying that moment in my head over, and over again. I know how bad of a man he is. I can't help but wish he would kiss me again. I can't help but imagine.. us doing much worse things together. I physically get chills.

I step out of the bathroom, after changing into a cropped white tank top, and a short grey flowy skirt. I look around the room, in a bit of a haze. I'm not the type to get very hungover. But sometimes, depending on how much I drank the night before, I can feel a little out of it the next day.

I walk over to the window and look outside. Same view as always. I walk over to the light switch. I turn on the lights but immediately turn them back off after being temporarily blinded.

10:20; I do some stretches on the floor.

Noon; I walk around the room a couple of times after eating lunch.

2:30; I curl my hair out of boredom.

4:50; I do a workout on the floor.

6:35; I watch the sunset, and eat dinner.
7:00; I lean against the wall, next to the door that leads to the hallway. Then I freshen up my nails out of boredom.

7:29; I sit next to the door.

7:54; I stand up, and bury my face in my hands, facing the door. I know I was drunk, but I kissed Maria back. After everything he's done, knowing how bad of a person he is. He did kiss me first. And I liked it. Scratch that, I loved it. All I want to do is do it again. I want to touch him again. I want him. God, I barely know him, how did he do this to me?

I lean back onto the wall and put my hands on my hips. I look at the camera. What if he's watching me right now? What if. What if he feels the same way? I shake my head back and forth and look to the ground. I look at the door. I just want him to walk in here. I grab the handle and turn it. I gasp. Oh my god.

My hand shakes as I slowly crack the door open. I look at the camera, then quickly leave the room. I close the door behind me, quietly.

The bright hall is empty and quiet. There aren't any cameras I can see. A cold chill flows threw my body. I don't know where any of these rooms lead. I could go in the elevator, but not with the guards there.

I take a step and a deep breath. The only door that interests me, is the red one. The room we passed twice yesterday. I walk to the door, taking quiet steps, trying not to let my bare feet clap against the glossed floor.

I stop in front of the red door. I slowly grab the handle, and my heart drops when it turns. I slowly crack the door open. It's a dark room. Bed, closet, windows. I enter the room and close the door softly. No visible cameras. Okay.. okay, I need to catch my breath.

There is a black bag on the bed. It looks like a gym bag or a tool bag. I slowly walk up to it. Maybe it has something I can use to escape. Weapons maybe? Am I willing to use weapons on people? I stop next to the bag, and investigate it with my eyes, before carefully unzipping it.

I open it, and there are three black shimmering guns piled. I don't know if I'm willing to use a gun on someone. I touch it as if to see if an alarm will set off or something. My body is still, but my hand is still slightly shaking. I grab the handle of the gun and lift it out of the bag.

I investigate it. Safety is on. I shake it, and it doesn't make a sound, so I'm guessing it's not loaded. I can't do this anyway. Who am I kidding? I place the gun back onto the others. Now what? I go back into my room. I can't do that.

"Found you." I hear a familiar voice say from behind me. Marias.

I feel my heart rate increase, and I start breathing faster. I gulp. My eyes turn first, then my head, and I turn my body. Marias stands by the door, his hands in his jeans pockets. The moonlight is shining into the room, and it beautifully rests on his face.

"The- The door was unlocked," I say, my body stiff.

He walks over to the bed, my body begins to heat up. He grabs the bag, looking me in the eyes. He drops it onto the floor, and it makes a loud thump that causes me to jump. I can feel my heart racing now.

Marias- He steps closer to me. I let myself look into his beautiful bottle-green eyes, my back turned to the bed.

"Was it?" He asks as a statement.

I look to the ground, and gulp.

"Mhm." I nod.

He puts his hand on my chin and lifts my head. I reluctantly look into his eyes again. He looks at my lips. My heart skips a beat, and my body becomes limp. My stomach burns, and flutters, my mind races, and my hand wander. I grab his wrist, the arm that's touching me.

My gaze meets his soft lips, as he caresses my bottom lip, causing my blood to boil. He is a bad man... Suddenly, but slowly, he pulls my face closer to his. I close my eyes, allowing it, not pulling away. I can't fight this lust anymore. He stops, our lips now barely touching.

I feel his breath on my lips, as I grip harder onto his wrist. He turns his head slightly to the side, and his lips press against mine. My other hand grabs the back of his neck, as I lift myself onto my tip-toes. My full body gets the chills when he places his hand on my outer thigh.

He grabs my wrist with the hand I was grabbing, his other wondering onto my thigh. Our heads shift and our lips press together again, spit slathering our lips.

Everything is hot, everything is pounding. My mind is spinning. His hand grips onto the rim of my underwear, and he slowly pulls them lower. Oh my god.

I take my lips off of his, looking down at his hand. He stops. I look back up to his eyes, he's staring into mine with such intensity and lust.

Before my rational thoughts can keep up, I press my lips against his and allow everything that is going to happen next.

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