Part 11

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     I wake up to knocking over my head. I dart up and out of bed, just to realize it's Freddy the blonde guy.

"Did I scare you?" He asks.

Damn, my heart is beating like crazy.

"Duh. I jumped out of my freaking bed." I say, too tired to be civilized.

"Your bed?" He teases.

"W- Uh."

Can't believe I called my kidnapper's den he made me's bed, mine. And I can't believe I am talking to this guy like he's a normal human being.

"Good. It's good you thinking of this place as your home." He begins to slowly walk to the other side of me while looking me up and down. "Because I doubt your little boyfriend will be here anytime soon."

"Ex." He stops, closer to me.

My stomach flutters and churns with excitement and fear.

"Aw, poor girl. Realizing he isn't who you thought he was?"

For some reason, that crushes me. Demarcus was never a great boyfriend, but we were together for three years before this. I never knew this side of him.

I opened my mouth to ask how he owed them money, but I decided not to ask. I feel weird communicating with this guy. I mean, I should. He kidnapped me. He's a psycho.

Freddy smiles at me, his eyes sparkling. He is just so sexy. I look at the ground, to stop staring at his smile. Desiree, stop getting flustered. He isn't a good guy.

"I came in here to tell you, I'm taking you out tonight." He says.

What? I look back up at him.

"You weren't the worst company last night. And, I suppose it'll be better to keep you a little sane. Funner to play with. I'll be back around eight pm. We're going to another party."

I'm excited I get to leave frequently now. Well, hopefully frequently.

"I'll also be having Tom, my friend, bring you meals every day."

Tom walks into the room. He's a huge guy. Dark features, and a blank expression. He's holding a water bottle.

"He's not much of a talker," Freddy says.

I look back at Tom. He looks at me. Still with a blank expression.

"Well, see you tonight." Freddy leaves the room. Tom pushes the water bottle towards me, and I grab it. Then he turns, and leaves.

I giggle when the door closes. Yes! I love parties. Maybe this one actually won't be formal like the last one. Maybe there will be a dance floor, good music, and people who are under the age of fifty.

I keep on checking the clock.
12 pm
1 pm
4 pm
6 pm
7 pm. I quickly do all of my hygiene.

7:38. I pick out a cute tight dark blue dress, and black strap heels, and put them on.

7:48. I decide to leave my hair down because I don't feel like struggling to make the hairstyle look perfect. And I like my long wavy dark brown hair down anyway. And I just am obsessed with how the navy blue dress makes my dark navy blue eyes pop.

I take a deep breath. Who am I? This isn't okay. I am kidnapped. I am here against my will, yet I'm happy. Not happy- happy. Just, not feeling horrible. I'm so lucky I'm having it easy. Just forget about the drowning, and the finger bending, then this is a vacation.

I stare at myself in the mirror. Unexpectedly, a tear rolls down my cheek. I watch it roll down to my chin, and drop onto the bathroom floor. I close my eyes, and sigh. I open my eyes to see this girl I don't recognize staring back at me.

I used to have a family, I used to love people, and I used to have people who loved me. To this blonde guy, I'm just a pretty toy. And at some point, he'll get tired of me, and throw me away.

I step back until my back is against the wall. I slide down, and tuck my knees into my chest, staring into space. I used to put myself first. I used to have people to talk to. Now I've wasted three years on a guy who gave me over to mafia people.

He never cared. He didn't love me. I loved him. I feel my sadness for him, turn into anger. Familiar anger. Betrayal.

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